Saturday, August 10, 2024

Eating less, gaining more

Yesterday was a "me" day - at work! haha! My sis doesn't work for us on Fridays and my boss wasn't too needing of my time and with all the training I've been doing, I needed a day to get caught back up on my regular work. I got quite a bit done, including reconciling our large bank statement for July. That job always takes me at least a couple of hours. My boss is going to be off all next week, so I'm hoping that makes for a more productive week of getting caught up between training. Her last week off, not too long ago, was surprisingly low on the staff needing her for something, so they email or call me, if she's not available. I'm hoping for the same next week.

The training with my sis is going very well. We're already getting to more actual working and less training, as she's picking it all up very quickly. There is one part of the process that I had tried to explain a couple of times to the kid, but he just never got it, so I always had to take time to go back through all his work to do it. I was going through her work and she gets it ;)

I noticed when I saw myself in the bathroom mirror this morning that I'm in need of a hair trim. It's getting really long again. I think I may go a couple more weeks and then chop off a few inches before our cruise. 30 more days until we set sail!

I am still annoyed at the fact that I have not lost one pound in the last month (or is it almost 2 months now?) since I cut WAY down on sugar, cut down on bread, have not had ANY desserts in the house, like the usual weekly cookies, cake, or pie. Even the ice cream, I have not had, when dh has some in the evenings. I've also decreased my dinner meal calories. I drink lots more water. I was out in the shop last evening, getting a couple of batteries, and hopped on the scale. I actually gained a pound since my last check (5-7 days ago) and am actually a half pound over the highest weight I've ever been. What the hell?! Also, it's not like I've decreased my daily activity level, either. It's the same as always. I'm very frustrated. 

I'm starting to make lists getting ready for the cruise. Stuff I still need to buy for it. Stuff to pack. The stuff to buy is just little stuff. Like I'd like to take a shower cap, so I can not wash my hair or get it wet during some showers. Long hair takes awhile to dry and style, so I'll skip that every other day. I also want to take some of the Downy Wrinkle release spray I have, but it's in a huge bottle, so I need to see if I might have a little travel spray bottle, and if not, I'll order one. I also am going to order some CBD oil (or chews) for the cat, when we drive him 6 1/2-7 hours over to dd's so he can stay with her while we are gone. The friend that dh helped change his flat tire the other day, was in the process of moving his mom and her 2 cats to his house over here. He told dh they gave cats CBD and they were calm and quiet the whole trip. I think I'm getting the oil - as my luck he wouldn't eat the chew/treat type. When we took him to the vet awhile back, he wasn't too bad for the almost hour drive, but I'd rather be prepared and not listen to a meowing for 6 hours. 

But, the cat transport kind of depends on which vehicle dh wants to drive over there with. I just assumed we'd take our nice car (with cat in the cat carrier) but the other day he mentioned maybe taking the pickup (not sure if he was joking or not) but, I guess, if we take that, it has a canopy on the back. Instead of the small cat carrier, we could put the larger wire crate/cage we have, and put the cat in the back, inside that. Then he'd have room for his litter box inside that, too and lots more room. Plus, if he's meowing back there, we won't hear it, LOL.

Well, it's Saturday. I didn't water my flowers last night, so I will be doing that this morning. Plus, I want to give a few of the shrubs some miracle grow again. And then I'll be cleaning the downstairs with vacuuming, dusting, etc. Tomorrow can be the upstairs. I still need to get the clean sheets back on the guest bed, LOL.


  1. I can't wait to hear about your cruise. When you return we can compare notes about our experiences. ( DH LOVED cruising, so we have been on several, and all but the first I went on reluctantly.) That said, bear in mind your cabin should be as well outfitted as a nice (if small ) hotel. Also, if you forget something, you can buy it onboard or at the ports of call.

    1. My dh is the one going reluctantly, LOL. It will be interesting to see if he likes it. I'm sure he will. His buddy is pretty much like him and has enjoyed the cruises they've been on. I'm excited!

  2. Your body thinks there is a famine and helping you by conserving energy so you will not die. Eat more. When I lost 46 pounds over about 3.5 months. I ate dinner after 10 pm because I forgot it took time to cook. I used a small pressure cooker to cook food--potato, 1/4 head cabbage, carrots, chunk of cauliflower, sometimes rice of dried beans. I cooked it for length of time for longest cooking food. Sometimes, I took a Corelle cup and either put 3 tablespoons of rice or a quarter of a cup of dried beans, added about two TBSP of water. I put this right in the middle of the vegetables. You can add a whole squash or anything. A little sprinkle of salt. Then, I put all this on a plate and used one Tbsp of butter and used the knife to just rub it on the plate of food until melted. I never used salt. Oftentimes, I lost 2 lbs by the next day. If doing this now, I would started earlier in the

    1. there you go with the vegetables, again ;) LOL. You are probably right. For some reason my metabolism hasn't kicked in, this time. Last time I lost weight (and wasn't trying) was because we were living in the shop and meals were much lighter/smaller, due to not being able to cook much.

    2. LOL...sorry I mentioned the V word. I will watch myself.
