Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I need some new blogs to read!

I need some new blogs to start reading/following! It appears that, with the exception of Linda's blog Practical Parsimony, all of the other blogs I've been following for a long time now, don't post much anymore, if at all. (was that a run on, terrible sentence structure? I don't care - grammar isn't my strong suit - numbers are)

So! Tell me blogs you like to read, or share your own blog link.


  1. The sentence was fine except for the comma after 'now.' But, you do need it for clarity/readability. No, it was not terrible structure. I like Eclectica but kylie does not post every day. There are others on my blog reading list.

  2. I think people are vlogging rather than blogging. I wind up fast forwarding through most vlogs. My head starts screaming "I can read faster than you can talk and these videos are a waste of my time!" (How's THAT for lousy sentence structure?) The blogs that remain seem to be heavily monetized, aimed at hawking stuff I don't need. I miss the blog days.

    1. I don't like vlogs because they are a waste of time, loud, and I can read the same thing faster and don't get bogged down in their talking. Mine is not monetized at all.

    2. Meg - I have a few vlogs I like, but I'd rather read, as well. Most of the vlogs seem to be too long. I don't want to sit there and watch/listen to someone talk for 30 minutes.

  3. Afternoon coffee and evening tea

  4. I love 18underoneroof! She is a mom of many like me, so it might not interest you! But I love it...

  5. In The Land of The Living Skies II
    The Frugal Girl
    Linda's Life Journal
    It's a Small Town Life!
    Junk Chic Cottage
    A colourful life
    Chef Juls Owings
    The Next Chapter In My Life
    An English Homestead
    The Squirrelbasket
    Hillbilly Mansion
    Unbagging the Cats
    Her in Him out 2
    Going Country
    Daisy in the Garden
    Two Men and a Little Farm
    Linda Letters:

  6. Unbagging the Cats posts every day.

  7. Eating and Living Well - on a Small Budget
    Her In Him Out

    Nice readable blogs about normal life,
    Both based in the UK and both post almost daily which I really like.

  8. Thanks for all the suggestions - I will get to reading and see what strikes my fancy!
