Saturday, August 24, 2024

My IT hat is on (crooked)

I'm am frustrated. I've been trying to get dh's new computer set up since yesterday afternoon. I thought I had it all ready to go, after working on it some more this morning. I take it down to his desk to get it all plugged in and it would only recognize one of his monitors. Searches for resolution, multiple trips up and down from my office to his den to see if it worked. Nope.

One of his monitors is set up with a vga adapter that then plugs into a USB port. I cannot get his new computer to recognize it as a monitor. I tried adding a driver for the monitor.  When I was setting up his computer at my desk, I only had one of my monitors plugged in. I hauled it back upstairs to try both my monitors. They worked. They plug in via a display port. My computer only has display ports. Knowing one of dh's monitors (the newer one) plugs in his old computer via the HDMI port, I only added one HDMI port to his new computer set up. I just assumed the other monitor, that uses the USB port would also work. If I had added 2 HDMI ports, I would likely have it working right now.

So, then I hauled the computer back downstairs and tried the nonworking monitor with a hookup using the cable from his other monitor. The monitor then worked - so at least I was able to narrow it down to it's not recognizing the monitor because of the pin to USB set up. So, now I've ordered an HDMI to Display port cable from Amazon and will have to wait until that arrives to finish setting up. At least his old computer is still plugging along and I didn't wait until it crashed completely to get a new computer.

Other things with the transferring of files and programs was confusing me some, as well. A year or two ago I changed from backing up to an external harddrive to a cloud based subscription. Haven't had to use it until now. Before I chose this service, I did some research and it came recommended from some reliable source (like PCMag, I can't remember who exactly now). Well, I remember it literally took days to back up both our computers, then it does it regularly and is quick, because it's only adding new files to backup. Well, it's not very explanatory on how to restore your back up to a new computer. I clicked on restore and it starts but says it's going to take like 50 hours. As it went on the computer hard drive got louder and louder - sounded like it was going to take off from my desk! Then it shut down with a warning message that the computer was overheating! Good grief - I almost broke the computer and he hasn't even gotten to use it yet. I'm going to cancel this service.

I decided against that IDrive restore/backup and this morning I got out the old external hard drive and backed up all dh's files onto that and then copied them back onto the new computer. Took me about an hour. So, other than the monitor plug in issue, I THINK/HOPE/PRAY this new computer is all ready for him to use. 

I'm exhausted. I need a nap.


  1. Ugh!
    I love getting a new computer but hate setting them up. Frustration to the max 😤

  2. Get a Mac! My files transferred over in minutes!

    1. I would likely be way more frustrated trying to teach dh a Mac then setting up this pc, haha. He hates change ;)

  3. Your tale exhausted me, and I had just gotten up from a nap! I have never set up a computer! At this rate, I never will. You are talented.

    1. How did all the going up and down stairs affect your knee?

    2. Thankfully my knee hasn't hurt anymore, but I'm being very careful not to make any sudden twists

  4. Wow. I am frustrated just from reading that!!!! What a way to start the weekend. Hope Sunday is better for you.

    1. At least we aren't in a rush for the new computer to be used, so that helped with the stress level, some.

  5. Wow you are good at doing this - have you ever thought of using your computer knowledge as a side job ?
    50 hours is long - does your dh have a lot on file, like movies ? Could he delete the ones he has watched or is 50 hours normal.
    It seems a lot.

    1. No, he really didn't have a lot saved on his computer. I think it's just this back up service is super slow. I remember it took like 3 days running in the background to back up the first time for each of our pc's. He has a few short videos (like he's transferred from him phone) but not much at all.

    2. to add: I don't think I really know enough to do this as a side job - just enough to muddle through, LOL

  6. My work laptop gets so confused sometimes because I have 2 work offices and my home office. All three have docking stations and two monitors. Laptop never has issues at work, but at home it often would not recognize one monitor-same connection as yours. I bought cables, did all the online tricks, ext. nothing worked. Finally one day I got home put lappy on the docking station and realized that I have not plugged the docking station in. So I plugged it in. What do you know, lappy recognized both monitors. So now, I make sure docking station is unplugged, place laptop on station, plug in the docking station and both monitors work every time....... If docking station is plugged in when lappy is placed, only 1 monitor. Makes no sense, but thank goodness it works.

    1. I know when my sis get her laptop delivered from my employer - at first she couldn't get her 2 monitors to work either. I think she had to call our IT for help.
