Thursday, August 29, 2024

Let this week be over

By the time I got done working Tuesday (past my normal stop time) I thought that day couldn't get any worse. Oh, but I was wrong! Yesterday's work day was a total shit show.

But, before I even got to start that fun, we had to be in the city by 9am for Dh's prostate MRI. He had to do a prep, similar to colonscopy, where he only had broth and jello at 5pm, then a glass of water at 6pm and then drink a bottle of magnesium citrate at 7pm and then nothing to drink at all after midnight. So, first he was hungry and thirsty. Then of course he spend all night in the bathroom and barely got any sleep (so me either). Total time at the hospital radiology lab was about 75 minutes and we then stopped at our bank to get some cash out for our trip and got back home around 11:40. I had put a sandwich and his precious Mountain Dew and water in a lunch bag, so he could have something to drink and eat, after the procedure.

The results showed up in his MyChart this morning and all is good, so that is really good news. It also said no signs of cancer. 

After getting home, I had to get signed into work - only they had changed our remote desktop connection log in. We had gotten a short email about the change, making it sound like it would be no big deal. Oh, but they were wrong! I get logged in and my windows desktop is basically blank. Where's all MY STUFF?!! The accounting software was on my desktop (that's about all) but I couldn't use it, as there was no drive where the company file is. I was able to get all my documents loaded signing into One Drive, but I completely had to reload Outlook and Teams. My outlook, which of course had all my favorite settings/view set up was back to default. It didn't even have my signature. I messaged my boss about it and she said to ask our IT. Back and forth. Long story short - "this change we just did is like getting a new computer, you have to set everything back up". I said well it would have been nice to know that AHEAD of I would have made sure to grab my browser profile and all my bookmarks, logins and passwords. I have lots I use on a regular basis. The IT guy was able to log back into my old desktop and retrieve those for me, at least. He had to re-load the 2 missing drives I need.

Finally, I was re-loaded enough to get some work done. But, Oh, you would be wrong about that, too! It' was so slow. A total lag in typing and a total lag in opening programs and pages, even just switching from one program to another from my task bar was a delay. But, the typing was driving me nuts. I was trying to message my boss in Teams and it was driving me nuts, with the lag. I finally just started using Teams on my personal desktop.

Another call from the IT guy (this was after my work day was supposed to be done) and he thinks it's just that the system is a bit overloaded right now with everyone trying to get their One Drive's reloaded and it will resolve in a few days. While most people were at the office yesterday, so they weren't logging in remotely to see the issue I was having, there are a few who work 100% remote like me and they apparently didn't have this issue? But the IT guy says they would have. My boss said one lady, if her remote desktop was being slow, she surely would have been complaining. Why just me? No one could answer.

Then my boss messages that she approved an expense report. We use this 3rd party for employees to enter and get paid for their monthly expense reports. I can than import this info into our accounting software with a few clicks. Only nope. That set up was gone, because basically getting my accounting software set up again was like starting over, as well. At that point I was just like F---Me! Getting that app connection added to our accounting software has always been a total pain in the ass. I got it done and signed out for the day. Completely spent.

I still have lots of things to tweak and get back to how I had my desktop set up before, but it's a new day and I guess I don't have a choice, haha.


  1. I. Hate. Technology. With. A. Vengeance!

  2. Ah, yes, the joys of having your job made more difficult by another department’s shortcomings. How long until your vacation?
    Glad to hear the MRI went well.

  3. (Meg B. I show up as anonymous on this device, and don’t have the patience to change it!)

  4. I was spent just thinking about your ordeal.

  5. OMG I thought you took Wednesday off. What a hellish day. I am glad it's a long weekend this week and you cruise is coming up. Also, so glad that DH got a clean bill of health.

    1. No, I decided to work, since I'm taking a bunch of days off here soon.

  6. Oh I feel so sorry for you with all that computer BS. We changed HR systems quite a few times in a short space of time because they were never up to scratch. I remember one time when we got a new Director-General and I drew up his contract - his office called me to ask why his nationality was down as "United States Minor Outlying Islands"???? He was from New Zealand but our system only "recognized" so many nationalities!!! I knew to look out for it after that but it was so embarrassing!

    1. LOL - I'm from the States and don't even know what Minor Outlying Islands are, haha!
