Thursday, August 15, 2024


I watched some chipmunk cuteness yesterday afternoon out my office window. We were wondering why we'd sometimes see petunia stems laying on the ground, LOL. Watch to the end for maximum cuteness

I was awake at 6am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up at 6:30. I pretty much just wasted the extra time web browsing.  I did answer an email from my side job, which needed a little research to answer, but it only ended up taking me a few minutes to confirm my answer.

I'm hearing both the bald eagles and osprey nearby this morning. We don't know where the eagles rebuilt their nest (after it blew down) but they must still be close by. The other day I saw 2 of them flying together right low over the river and then they landed somewhere across the river in the trees. I couldn't see for sure where, as they swooped by and then headed towards the other side, trees on my side were blocking my view as to exactly where they landed. They like to build their nests in old snags. There is a huge osprey nest about a mile down river, on top of the old one lane bridge that goes over the river. I'm not sure if the osprey we sometimes hear near our house are these same 2 out looking for food.

We also apparently have another skunk hanging out at night. DH is seeing the signs - we have landscape type rock/gravel near the shop door, where are garbage cans are, and the rocks are dug up in the mornings, LOL. He may have to get out his live trap and do like he did last time. Catch it and then go back up into the woods a ways and let it go.


  1. I did not think they were cute at my house because they ate my Hosta to the ground. How did he husband escape being sprayed by skunks?

    1. I'm not sure, but somehow with the live trap he has, they won't spray while inside it and he was able to release it with a rope standing back aways and the skunk ran off

  2. How lovely to have chipmunks in your country - we have none in the UK.
    Or Bald Eagles although we do sometimes see Ospreys.
    Not so much fun having your flowers nibbled !

    1. they are pretty cute, even if they are considered a rodent, LOL
