Monday, August 5, 2024

Assistant update

The worthless assistant saga is finally over. My boss met up with him (and had told him to bring the company laptop). Since it's Monday and she works from home (and she wanted to be done with this last week) and where he lives is halfway between her house and the office, she met him at a coffee shop near his place, rather than going into the office.

She started it with telling him how he answers her questions is going to determine how this goes (he was going to be done, either way). He started right off with her first question by lying to her about the first hour worked this morning. Telling her he did work. Hmm..he must have missed the teams company wide notification about our system being down until 8:10. No one was working. Not to mention our time stamp system shows he didn't start adding invoices until 8:12. 

She showed him her spreadsheet of his time worked compared to what he clocked in for, the past 2 weeks. (38.25 hrs vs 13.75), along with the fact that this is considered timesheet fraud. She gave him 2 options: 1) he can resign in writing today, or 2) she can terminate him and will look into pressing charges for time/wages fraud. His choice. He agreed to resign. (Plus with a resignation he won't get unemployment). She also told him if she doesn't have his resignation email by the end of today, she will be moving forward with the termination option. She also told him it will be his responsibility to tell the guy with the mentorship program why he no longer works for us. But, if he lies to him, it's probably not going to end well.

So, he's gone and that sure feels great to finally be done with him. I'm also sure that me getting my sis on board helped push her along to finally get rid of him.


  1. I'm so glad this is over with. I wish she'd done this way earlier, I hope this is a wake-up call for him. But not your problem anymore. She had nothing to fear because she's had the proof for a long time but so glad it's done!

    1. I am so glad. I knew she was as well, for her to call me as soon she got back to her car, rather than wait until she got back home.

  2. I am so glad he is gone. There are too many people who need work who would work honestly. I am glad your sister is getting to do this job.

    1. I wonder if he somehow cheated his way through college and will do so in law school.

  3. Finally! LIke JiCaLu said, I hope this is a wake-up call for him but somehow I doubt it!

    1. Boss said she tried a couple of times to ask if he understood the seriousness of it, but didn't really seem to.

  4. I am so relieved for you that this guy is finally gone. What a hassle it's been! The nerve of some people. I am glad for the amount of information you were able to provide boss so that she could be confident with her actions and words.

    1. Once she got determined about it, she certainly took care of it.

    2. After I posted this comment, I remembered a very similar situation in my past. I was a supervisor in a department at a university. We had a student worker very similar to your situation here. I remembered him as one of the worst student workers we ever had, and we had a LOT of them. I was there for 17 years! Unreliable and just not good at getting the work done. Years later, I've seen him on LinkedIn with accolades from law school and seems to really be going places. I've always wondered HOW that happened.

    3. Alice - that's a scary thought that these type of people are becoming lawyers.
