Sunday, August 11, 2024

Downpour Saturday

We had a downpour of rain most of yesterday afternoon. It was nice!

There had been no rain in the forecast and around lunch time it got really dark clouds and we were like it looks like it's going to rain...and boy, did it, along with thunder.

Some of my housecleaning chores got put to the side, as we decided to play some pool. Much more fun than cleaning, any day ;)

Amos watching the rain while we played pool


After the hour or so of pool, me and Amos took a nap, while it rained and thundered. I got up after about an hour or so. Amos stayed put taking a nap on the bed for another 4 hours, LOL.

In the morning, before I discovered it was going to rain, I had sprayed the bush the deer love to eat, with deer repellent spray. Obviously, that got all washed off with the rain, so I'll try again today. 

I also spent way too much time trying to figure out where/how to print our cruise luggage tags, LOL. I just could not see the link and then finally, I found it.


  1. You have a gorgeous view from your patio. Even in the rain! 🌦

    1. yes, it's a beautiful view all around us. I don't take it for granted :)

  2. I probably would have joined Amos ans watched the rain! How are the thunder storms there? One thing I miss about the southwest (and our Florida house) is being able to watch a beautifully violent thunderstorm. Here in the PNW, you don't get to see the streak of lightning, or get much of a thunder clap.

    1. We get some awesome summer thunder and lightning storms. You are right, PNW doesn't get much of that

    2. Usually when I think I hear thunder, it turns out it was just an earthquake. -Meg

  3. I would like watching the rain in the first photo. Amos has the right idea.

  4. It's a tough life being a cat isn't it!
