Saturday, August 17, 2024

New computer time

The past week or so dh has been getting the blue screen of death on his computer and then it restarts. Ugh. Time for a new one. I can't remember when we got him this one but I'm pretty dang sure it's longer ago than I thought. The last one I remember buying him (and he remembers this, as well), was at Staples, in the city. When I need to try to remember when something was...well, I try to search back through my blog posts because most likely I wrote about it! LOL. I put in some key search words and it came back to 2019. So, I guess if this cheap computer (the post also says I only spent less than $400 for the tower unit) lasted 5 years, he did pretty well with it. 

It's time to get him something of higher quality. My computers that work sends me, when I need one, (and that isn't very often) are Dells. I never have issues with them (well, until they are very old and die), so I'm spec'ing out a Dell Optiplex, as similar to mine. I know what my company paid for mine, back in 2020 (because I had just actually looked up the invoice when we were trying to determine why mine didn't have wifi card, LOL) and it was just under $1000. The one I've spec'd out for him, very similar, is just under $900 now. This is ordering direct from Dell and looks like it could be here in a few days. The Optiplex series is more for business/commercial sales. They don't sell this series, like at Best Buy or Staples. I looked up to find out what is the difference between their other 2 series, like Inspirion, with Optiplex and the Optiplex is made for more longevity and durability. Because business's typically buy this model series, it said Dell also commits to having replacement parts available for 5 years. Basically, it's a workhorse type of computer, I guess, and as much as dh is on his computer, that's what he needs.

We were up and out of the house by 8am to pick up groceries in the city. After Walmart I stopped at the other grocery store....and what did I do? I forgot the thing I always go there for! The frozen hamburger patties! Sigh....I had a few other items I was trying to remember (like getting the salmon this time) and totally forgot about the patties. I still have about a bag and a half left from our last trip, so I guess that will have to do. I also picked up a pizza from the deli for dinner tonight. I want pizza, but don't feel like making my own, as I usually do. This will suffice, with a salad to go with it.

I also got some more greek yogurt, this time with my Walmart order and very good dates. Not until like Oct 8. And I got a bunch more sugar free pudding flavors, to go with. OMG - the white chocolate with the plain yogurt is so good. I also like to put a little bit of sugar free cool whip on top. Yum!

Walmart wanted to substitute a bag of pink lady apples for honeycrisp - again. They substituted pink lady last time and I didn't care for them as much as honeycrisp or gala, so I turned down the substitution and got some gala apples while at the other grocery store (another reason I was distracted and forgot the patties).  

I need to take a look at dh's currrent computer and how his monitors plug in, so I can make sure what I order for him has the right plug ins, so it all works from the get-go.


  1. A friend built my computers, Then bought HP, then I started buying Dell laptops, then switched to HP. I really love HP. I need another now and am in a quandary. I hate these decisions! After 35 years of buying computers, you would think I could make the decision more easily.

  2. Here's hoping the computer purchase and installation goes well!
