Sunday, August 18, 2024

computers and medical receipts

Once I got done figuring out what specifications I wanted on dh's new computer, it ended up being over $1100. When ordering they give you lots of choices to add or change, but I for sure wanted this pc to have a wifi card in it and for some reason every time I chose that option it would then downgrade the memory to 8 gb and I wanted 16. So, I ended up clicking on "customize" and then was able to get it how I wanted it and I also added a HDMI port and a card reader (like a $3 add on). 

When I figured out how his current 2 monitors are plugged in, one is using a USB adapter and the other is plugged into an HDMI port. Same issue with trying to get one configured with an HDMI port - the option with an HDMI port had the lesser memory. I didn't want to mess around with having to get different cords to plug the monitors in. I also have a couple different ones, still in packages that I did check first. One came with my monitors (from work and they didn't work on my computer) and the other I bought thinking it would work on my computer and it didn't. Neither would work in this new computer for dh, so I just added the HDMI port. I can't remember how much that added to the cost - like $16 I think.

Customizing it added to the shipping time, so instead of a computer getting here in 3 days, it says it will be delivered on the 27th, but another thing on my orders says expected between the 23rd and 28th. As long as it gets here before we go on our cruise. And hopefully dh's computer doesn't crash before then. It worked ok yesterday. If it does, we still have my mom's old "all in one" computer he can use to get by with. I also decided I'm going to put a piece of tape on the back of this new computer with the date purchased, so next time we need a new computer I can easily see how long it's been. The fact that he got 5 years (I though it was more like 3) out of this cheap one is really pretty dang good. Usually his computers only last 3-4 years.

The next time I need a new computer for work I think I'm finally going to try the laptop setup. That's what everyone else in the company uses, LOL. I could still have my keyboard and mouse (I cannot type on a laptop and using that for the work I do would be very annoying) plus with a laptop I'd have that screen to use as well as the 2 monitors I have. I've been noticing that an extra screen would be nice. I often have 2 screens I'm working on and it would be nice to have a 3rd that I could just leave my email open in or Teams open. My boss offered to send me another monitor, but I really don't have the deskspace for a 3rd large monitor, but a laptop screen wouldn't take up as much space and could be closed up and out of the way when I'm not working. Plus, I laptop I could take downstairs with me to use on my lap, in the evening. 

The store deli pizza was ok, but not near as good as my homemade. But, it was nice not to have to make dinner for a change. Tonight I'm going to make ham and cheese sliders. For this recipe I switched out the dijon mustard for honey mustard awhile back (I was out of dijon) and we both liked the honey mustard flavor better, so I'm sticking with that from now on. I have another recipe that calls for dijon and used the honey mustard and it tastes just as good, as well. Plus, I always have the honey mustard on hand.

I've been really good about remembering to get HSA receipts saved to pdf and added to my "expense vault" in my HSA account. I haven't taken anything out (not since 2021 when dh had all the medical expenses for the hospital stay) and now have a little over $2000 "banked". It's easy to forget all the little OTC purchases, but I've been doing well to save the receipt as soon as I have it. It all adds up. Yesterday's Walmart order had some Tylenol (generic) and magnesium citrate dh will need for his upcoming MRI. I also got an email that I owed $10.41 that was for the labwork I had done in June, so I paid that and went to my insurance log in to get the EOB to copy and see there was just another claim processed where my dr had another provider look at my bloodwork closer. That says I will owe $69 (deductible) so I added that receipt as well. 

DH's MRI is Wed the 28th at 9am. I'm trying to decide if I just want to take the whole day off or get back home around 11am and start working. I think I might just take the whole day off. Why not.....LOL


  1. $1100 is not too shabby when you consider the length of time used! Hopefully it comes quickly enough. I def think you should take the 28th off, no need to rush around in case anything runs behind.

    1. and if that's the day the new computer gets delivered, then I'll have free time to get it set up for him, if I take the day off.
