Saturday, June 4, 2022

Weekend plans

Being a short work week for me, it sure didn't feel like Friday yesterday, but I'm glad it was. Pup's diarrhea lessened, but his nose bleeding increased. Which I find odd, since the vet gave me these pills to give him that is supposed to stop the bleeding. It's 2 pills (some Chinese herbal pills) once a day, so he only had one dose yesterday morning. I just gave him today's dose, so I'm hoping it's just a matter of getting another dose in him to help. He hasn't had diarrhea since yesterday morning, but he hasn't pooped again yet either, but that tells me things are solidifying. Dh had told Mr Neighbor what is going on with him and that we see the specialist Thursday to see what is going on/if they can do anything. They went through one of their dogs several years ago bleeding from his nose, had a cancer tumor and had to put him down. That's pretty much what we are expecting, sadly. Mr. Neighbor came over for a few minutes yesterday. He just wanted to make sure he got to give our pup some hugs and kisses. Told him he's been the best neighbor dog. By then we were all almost ready to start crying and he said he had to leave or he'd be bawling. As much as their dogs can be annoying, they do absolutely love dogs and you can't complain about that.

Now my mom's prescriptions are showing tracking as not getting here until next Wednesday. Ridiculous. It took the mail order pharmacy a week to get their sh$% together to get it mailed out and now it's taking DHL/Post office 9 days to get it here. So, I guess, IF they get here by Wednesday, I'll just wait and stop in to refill her next Thursday when we have to take the dog in. update: my USPS informed delivery updated after I wrote this and it shows my mom's prescriptions are out for delivery today. Thank God! That makes things so much easier for me now.

But, I am going to go in and see her for a quick visit tomorrow morning. I know her daily vitamin is almost out and I can refilll that and also double check exactly how many she has left of her prescription pills and make sure there is enough until Thurs (I think there are). I can also pick up a grocery order at Walmart. We probably won't feel like it Thursday, let alone I would have no idea what time to set it up for. We also want to get our Mrs. Neighbor a little plant/flower basket to give to her tomorrow at their picnic at their house in the afternoon, to say happy retirement, so I can get that done. My mom also needs $20 to pay some lady where she lives. The lady makes aprons and mom's bought one from her (she needs an apron like she needs a hole in her head, LOL) and owes her the money. Don't now where the $20 or $40 she had went to and she had no check because last visit she tried to get out her one and only check (that she's had in her wallet for months and months) to pay me for gas. I didn't do anything with the check (haha) but I didn't have her checkbook with me to give her another blank check.

I also need to get that 2nd camera I had set down on the shelf of her tv cabinet turned back around! (and secured so she can't move it). If I look at the live view of it, I see the wall behind it, LOL. Well, guess what the view of the wall behind it was when I just did a check on it, last night? She had unplugged her tv and cable box! What in the world is her obsession with unplugging!!?? 

I did have to give her a call at 7:15 this morning to get her up to go down for breakfast. I'm sure she was annoyed with me, but I'm not dealing with missed meals anymore. Overall I can tell she's done much better this week with her energy and being more alert of what is going on now that she's been getting breakfasts. That assisted living place didn't mail me the packet of info, so I'm going to stop in and see if I can get that, too. If I decide to move here there I'm just going to tell her her apartment raised her rent a whole bunch - that will get her to move, haha! She's cheap. LOL. And then I'll add in "plus this place will be more helpful with your memory and try to help you remember better" type of thing.

It's just raining every day. I'm ready for it to be done and have some sunny days. There is a car show every year today that we often go walk around and usually it's too hot out. If we go today we'll likely get rained on. We'll see. I haven't even asked dh if he plans to go or not. 

Some of the iris bulbs we planted got huge this year. I love them!



  1. Bad/sad news on the pup front. :(
    Does your mom drink water or anything while she's in her apt?
    Dehydration can set in fast causing confusion & other issues.
    You have a lot on your plate!

    1. I know she used to be really good about always drinking lots of water. I don't know if she does much now. I'm going to have to assume most of the time she is forgetting now, so that makes getting down for her 3 meals in the dining room even more important!

  2. I'm sorry about your pup, and more mom stress. The iris came up beautifully. Howamy years since you planted the bulbs? I think I'll give it another go this fall and hope the animals leave them be.

    1. Our neighbor gave us the bulbs a little over a year and a half ago. She split some of hers out and gave us the bulbs so we planted them that fall, so this is the 2nd spring we've had them

  3. So sorry about the pup. I am glad he had a good life with his humans who loved him and cared for him well. All my life I wanted a dog but, my traveling all the time and living in a small apartment makes it nearly impossible. I believe dogs need space to roam freely and siblings. Two dogs would be ideal if I ever have space for them.
