Thursday, June 2, 2022

Pup and Food

Well, something about talking to my mom about getting down for breakfasts and calling her yesterday to wake her up must have triggered in her brain, because this morning the camera shows she was up and dressed and out her apartment door at 7:10! No need for a call this morning :) I ended up talking to her a couple of times yesterday (she had questions about mail she received) and then at 6:30 she took her pills all on her own. After breakfast she apparently stayed down for an activity because she didn't get back until 10:45 and then went back down for lunch a little later. She seemed much more alert and active yesterday. Someone commented on my blog yesterday that she is also probably not getting enough liquids. That is probably very correct! Especially if she wasn't going down for breakfast. Being dehydrated would just add to her brain fog, I'm sure. I'm going to start reminding her often, to drink more, too.

The specialty vet called me yesterday and they can't get him in until next Thursday, 6/9. Ugh. He's not bleeding much from his nose, but obviously any is a concern. Just wish we didn't have to wait so long. At first I thought she was saying it would be an appointment to see if he needed the scope and then we'd have to bring him in again later for that, but then she said the vet will examine him and determine if that is what is needed and if the scope is needed, we can leave him there, go get lunch while they do the procedure, and then go pick him up.

I have lots of leftover food from the weekend. I had bought more since we were expecting the other couple for the 2 days, too. Some of it I have put in the freezer. I had bought those large muffins. One 6 pack was variety and one was just chocolate. I have managed to eat most of the variety and I put the chocolate ones in the freezer as well as extra bread I had out, and some extra bagels. Can you freeze bagels?

The first evening friends were here I made the enchiladas. They texted when they were about 2 hours away, so about an hour before I got the enchiladas made and just put them in the fridge until they got here. Then once we were ready to eat I put them in the oven. They only take 20 minutes, so it's quick to heat up. Well, they must have been a hit because both of them had seconds and the wife said they were really good. The second day we just picked breakfasts from all my choices of items. We kind of had a later breakfast, so no one was hungry for lunch. We went to dinner around 5pm at the local steakhouse. Sunday was same pick your own breakfast. Then we finished out lunch at a restaurant around 2pm, so no one was hungry for dinner. Good, because after being up late the night before and then walking for a couple hours around the flea market I was tired. Friends had brought a tray of meat, cheese and crackers with them, so we all just munched on that and the cake for dinner. They had also picked up a container of BBQ pork which was tasty too. I can't find that available for pick up with Walmart.

There was some of the meat and cheese tray left, that they didn't want to take as a road snack. Dh really liked it so that's what we had again for dinner, ourselves, on Monday. I'm going to start getting one of those with my grocery pick up order. A nice easy meal once in a awhile. Another thing dh will just eat as a meal is one of those shrimp rings, which I get (when I remember). I need to get those more often (keep some in the freezer) and pull out for a day I don't feel like making dinner.

Sunday is our neighbors "picnic" in the afternoon. I had asked if we could bring anything and was told no. But, we decided we'll pick up a nice plant arrangement as a "Happy Retirement" gift to her. This is her last week of work, too. The weather is not sounding very good. 90% chance of rain as of now :(

And in other news I realized/found out last night that since I am not vaccinated I will not be allowed into Canada, so for now our trip to see my half sister is on hold. She didn't realize that was the rules either, she just thought you needed a negative covid test. Her boyfriend seems to think they are going to loosen this requirement in the next month or so. We'll see. Just have to keep watch on it. Disappointing, but not surprised with much anymore.


  1. It is really heartening to hear she is having better days and eating. Your keeping up with her so well certainly contributes to her not getting worse.

    I don't know why you cannot freeze bagels. It sounds like having a few things leftover is good to ease the task of cooking.

  2. I did wonder about your trip to Canada and vaccinations because it seems Canada is really, really strict. Thank God here in Europe they are asking for pcr tests if not vaccinated, although I'm hoping they will disappear too soon!

  3. How about having your sister come and visit you? If it is a matter of finances for her, perhaps chip in to help cover some of her expenses.
    I'm really hoping the jab and mask mandates go away soon. There are so many health care organizations begging for workers. I know of a lot of nurses (including myself) that have quit jobs over these restrictions.
