Thursday, June 9, 2022


As we expected, pup has a nasal tumor. He will be 11 next month. The specialist did the scope and found the tumor blocking his left nasal passageway. He said nasal tumors are not operable. Depending on the type of cancer/tumor, some can be removed with radiation. He said chemo doesn't work well for nasal tumors. We'll know in about a week what the biopsy shows. He also said that dogs can typically live a year or so more with a tumor in their nose. He said it's usually the owners that give up, because of dealing with the blood.

He's putting him on a prescription medication called Piroxicam. It will help with the inflammation and if he's having any pain and also, in some cases it has shown to reduce cancer cells in dogs with nose tumors. He also said to give the Yunnan Baiyao herb capsules, to help with bleeding. I said the ER vet gave us those and they seem to help, so I will get more. They didn't have any at this vet, but he said you can buy them online.

So, that is what we will do for now. If the biopsy shows he could do radiation, we will discuss that at the time. If not, hopefully between his new healthy fresh diet and the medication he can extend his life a little longer. He's still eating well (loves to eat, LOL) and wagging his tail, so we'll take that.

It was a pretty quick procedure. They use gas anesthesia and explained it lets them come out of it quick. We did have time to run to Lowes for some yard stuff and had just gone through the Wendy's drive thru when they called us back that they were done and to come on back and the dr will show us the scope video and explain what he found. After we met again with the vet they brought pup out and he was good to go. Not groggy or anything. 

We stopped in our town pharmacy to fill the prescription for him, but they didn't have any in stock so I will have to go back tomorrow to pick it up. She said it would be about $30 and that is for a 60 day supply. 

We got back home around 1:30. Dh chatted with his Texas buddy on the phone awhile and I took a nap with the cat, LOL. Now it's dinner time and dh is taking a nap. Hopefully he won't want too much to eat since we got Wendy's for lunch.


  1. Well pooh :(
    Sorry for the pup & their mommy & daddy.

    1. ya :( But hopefully we can make him as comfortable as possible and keep him around for awhile longer.

  2. Will you be able to handle the bleeding? Sorry about pup. It is sad.

    1. if the bleeding has been like is so far (except that first time when it was gushing out), it will be fine. It's just a drop here and there to clean up.

  3. ( Anne Bee 🐝 )
    I’ve been thinking about you and your mum - I was weeding the garden a lot yesterday and my mind tends to stray when I’m weeding!
    One sad but inevitable result of your mum’s potential move to a more sheltered accommodation ( where her meds will be distributed by a member of staff and food and drink will be monitored ) will be that she will become de-skilled.
    By the time my MIL went into dementia care she was “further on” than your mum but even then we noticed her sitting more, talking less, engaging with us less. Looking back now years later the happiest times were just before she went in, while she was still at home. DH would make dinner and ask her to provide a sweet course. Which she was able to do very well ( she had been a wonderful cook ) It would be something simple like diced melon and almond biscuits.
    I know the next stage has to happen but just wanted to warn you of a surprisingly disappointing bi-product of the next stage. You may find yourself nostalgic for the present stage where you and she discussed her meds and whether she’s had them or not!

    1. I've been thinking the same thing as you just wrote. This is why I keep trying to let her do things on her own as long as I possibly can. The sad part is eventually she just can't do it and I adjust (ie I do it) for it, but like you say, then I see even more decline, because she's just not using her brain. I swear that now that I started calling her at 7:15 (even though she doesn't remember I'm going to or why) she has now not once gotten up on her own again to get ready and before she most of the time got up on her own. It is sad. I told dh last night, she can't remember that every evening she takes the same 5 pills, every DAY, yet when we are getting off the phone she can remember to say "say hello to dh (and remembers his name).

    2. Anne 🐝
      Right up to the end my MIL could reel off her sibling’s birth dates!
