Friday, June 17, 2022

Kids on vacation

DD and her dh are on a vacation this week in North Carolina. It sounds like they are really enjoying themselves. When you purchase a Ford Explorer ST, they offer this "ST Experience" either in Asheville, NC or Park City, UT. You get a free night in the hotel, a group dinner that first night and then the next day is an all day driving experience to learn about the car and show all what it can do. Also a driving course you get timed on, type of stuff. They opted to go to the NC one and we are going to the UT one at the end of this month.

After the "experience" class yesterday was over they were given free tickets to tour The Biltmore estate, which they really enjoyed. They have been messaging us pictures during their trip, so it's been fun to see the pictures. A very beautiful area. Today they went to a falconry exhibit/show. You can also pay more and purchase tickets for a "hands on" experience, to hold the birds on your arm, but those tickets were all sold out, so they just had to watch. One of the birds was an owl. DD loves owls. She got this from her great grandma "GG". GG loved owls. DD was lucky enough to have her GG in her life until she was 17, as my grandma lived to 95 and we lived in the same town, so we saw her all the time. Later, when dd got her 2nd tattoo, she put a little owl down near her ankle.

Then dd messaged me a picture and said "I got to hold an owl!!". I guess the assistant noticed dd's little tattoo and when the show was done they whispered to dd and her dh to hang on a bit and after everyone leaves they can hold the owl. She was so excited. I asked her if she told them about her GG and owls and she said yes, that the assistant mentioned she saw her tattoo and dd told her why she got it. They are going to Charlotte to stay a few more nights and do some sights there, lots of Nascar stuff for her dh, LOL.

I'm sure we'll have a good time when we go to the "experience" in Park City in a couple of weeks. Not to mention we got that upgraded hotel suite, so I'm sure it will be really nice, LOL. DH had planned us to return home via part of Yellowstone, but that road is closed now. We'll have to do some checking into doing something else for a day or two. I have the whole week off and dd will be at our house pet sitting and working remotely for the week.

Pup puked at 4am yesterday morning. A little bit of grass in it. Dh said he was trying eat grass outside the day before. Plus, the new food company said it's common to throw up while they are trying to transition to the fresh food. Yesterday was the start of 50/50 new/old food and again today.  

I finally decided to get a new tablet! Geez, I've only been wanting a new one for at least a year, but just could never get myself to pay $300 or more for a new ipad. I was on Amazon and happened to see that their Fire HD tablets were on sale $50 off, for $99. They are the same size as the ipad I was looking at for $309. It showed you could put all the popular apps on it, via the Amazon app store. I did some more research to make sure a couple more apps I use would be available on this device too, and they are. One is the "Overdrive" app I use (which is most what I use the table for) to borrow and read ebooks from the library. The other app is YouTubeTV and they say that is available too. I also ordered a basic cover for it, that was on sale for $15. Of course I can put mom's Blink camera system app on it, as that is made by Amazon. So, I should be good to go for $115. Hopefully it lasts quite a few years, like my ipad did.

By afternoon, mom's confusion was back. Back to her trying to find her wallet and worrying the phone wasn't's working you just called me with it....I think I got her calmed down and then it was almost dinner, so I was hoping that would distract her and get her off the purse/wallet obsession and it seemed to. She wasn't looking for it after she got back from dinner. She finally did go push her medication button (at least she figured that on her own) but then after the pills dropped in the cup, she took out the cup, looked at the pills in it and then set in on her desk and went back and sat in her recliner, LOL. So, I called and got the job finished. But, this morning again, she was up and went to breakfast, so I'm really happy this has been happening on her own.

Well dang. My cute birdie lamp on my desk (the one I waited like 6 months to get) just died! Partway down the cord is one of those roller type switches to turn it off and on. It hangs down on the side of the desk. All of a sudden there was a little "Pop" noise and a spark! Now it's dead :( I can't get to the plug in behind this heavy desk, without dh helping me pull out the desk, so will have to have him do that after he gets up. I don't want to leave it plugged in.

Lamp update: well, apparently it was just the bulb burning out that made it spark down at the switch! I put in a new bulb and it's working fine. Whew!


  1. Pre-Covid I used to go to SLC several times a year. It’s just nice to be in a real city now and then. I haven’t had to go with Dh in several years, so we get to spend our time shopping at stores I wish we had-ikea, Trader Joe’s, sprouts, home goods, and the outlet mall. My DD’s and I are going in September. We are going to see the play “To Kill a Mockingbird”, and then doing some shopping. I’ve also been there for Hamilton and Wicked.My DD’s were just down there for Memorial Day weekend, but I decided to skip that trip. It’s a lot more fun for me when I’m not with my husband!


    1. that kind of shopping is probably what I'll do with dd when I go to my office visit next month. I'm dying for some Teriyaki, LOL

    2. Yeah, my husband would not do the shopping. He’s happy to stop places and let me run in while he waits in the car though. He will go to farmers markets with me. Doesn’t understand, but will go lol. I would never go to that car thing though. I’d wander around Park City if my Dh wanted to go to such a thing (he wouldn’t though lol). We’ve been to SLC together to go to soccer games-both college games when my son played, and professional. Mostly I go without him with his blessing lol.


    3. I don't mind going to car things with dh. He's ok to go to antique stores with me LOL. DD said both of them enjoyed the car "experience". Just a good/fun way to learn about all the features the new car has.

  2. Maybe this new pill will push back her decline a bit. I hope so.

    Daughter's trip sounds fantastic. I never heard of any such perk with a vehicle. Holding an owl would be a thrill to me.

    I am so glad your lamp is okay. But, why would it make a noise at the cutoff? If the lamp breaks, just rewire it or pay someone to rewire it.

    1. Apparently the car experience is something Ford does with the ir "high performance" type of cars
