Friday, June 24, 2022

Finally Friday

I was thinking on our pup. We actually got that first tumor we found removed 14 months ago. Then we had another one removed in January. It's obviously been spreading since then, with the nasal tumor and also another one we found recently on the side of his neck, at about the time the first ER vet visit (5 weeks ago or so?) and it had grown just since then. We showed it to the vet that 2nd visit but she said she was more concerned with his nose. Anyhow, I guess we need to look at it as we got to have our pup around for 14 months since we first found cancer. 

When mom's new caregiver texted me back about getting her up and downstairs for breakfast she said she would start the next day (yesterday). I had slept in until almost 8am, as that was the night we had been at the vets and I didn't get back to bed until 3am. I looked at my camera app and mom was still in bed. What the heck?! Then about 8:10 the camera notification shows the caregiver coming in (so she must have a master key) and walking towards mom's bedroom door (open) and saying hello, it's time to get up. My mom mumbled something and Liz said it's time to get up and go down for breakfast. Mom said "oh, ok". By 8:23 she was dressed and downstairs. I'm guessing that as long as they show up sometime during the breakfast hour, they get served. They don't have to be there right at 8 am.

Mom's doctor emailed me back and said to go ahead and take her off the Aricept and see if that improves the confusion and worry. She also said if it's not showing any improvement for her, might as well stop it. I just need to figure out if I can stop it from my app, or I need to actually be at the machine to stop it from dispensing. I think I should be able to stop it from the app, but I don't want it then to start flashing a message on the machine itself that the button needs to be pushed to remove the pills. I might just wait and do it when I go see her next. Liz's helper has been the one the last 2 evenings to make sure she got her pills taken. She apparently came up with mom (mom is 3rd floor apt) right at 6 and they dispensed them then. A half hour later mom called me saying she was trying to push the button to take her pills, but it was saying it's "locked". I told her she already took them and that C was there with her when she did. I ended up with 4 calls from her that day with things she was worrying about. About half hour later I checked in on the camera and she was walking from her bedroom into her kitchen and talking to herself. The only part I caught was "what I'm paying that lady and she isn't even here!". I'm like what?! LOL. I haven't said a word to mom about paying Liz, nor has mom asked and I doubt she asked Liz, haha. First she doesn't want her help and then is complaining to herself that she's not there. LOL. Not to mention I'm not quite sure what mom would have wanted her there for at that time. It's also not going to surprise me if mom starts trying to blame her caregivers for the things she hides/loses. 

Then Mom's caregiver texted me yesterday afternoon that the senior living place is closing their dining room for 7 days, starting today. I'm assuming lack of help. Way to just confuse mom more, eh?

Then this morning, as I'm having a bunch of trouble getting logged into work remotely and had to call and put in a "ticket" for IT to call me about it, I'm checking my mom cameras and see she is up and dressed and not going downstairs. And then it's like almost 8:30 and still no one has come to tell her to go downstairs....then I finally remember they are bringing up the meals starting today. Too much going on and I haven't finished my one and only cup of coffee yet!

DH just found out that 2 guys he's friends with wives just passed away. One is a guy that used to do welding work for dh's business years ago and the other is our mason guy who did all the stone work on and in our house. Dh has still kept in touch with him via text these past 3 years. So sad. 

And then dd messaged me last night that she wasn't feeling well - cough and chills and a fever of 101. She took a Covid test that so far is negative. She's supposed to be driving over here on Sunday to stay while we go on our trip......



  1. That's funny that she does not want anyone there, but if she is paying them they should be there. It seems it would require more help to bring meals up than have people served in the dining room.

    1. that's what I was thinking - seems like more work/people needed to deliver the meals

  2. Same thing going on at my parents Independent Living place - no dining room service on weekends. During the week they can pull administrative staff & have one "main" meal in dining room at noon. Still, things sure have changed since Covid.

    Hope your daughter is going to be OK. Def. do a few more tests.

    1. We went through the no dining on weekend a few months ago, when they were shorthanded. I know her place has had hiring signs out for quite a while now.

  3. I hope your daughter is well enough to come. If not, might the neighbor be able to help with kitty?

    1. So far she is feeling well still. If by chance she cannot come the neighbors would help. Mostly it's the chickens. The cat would be ok in the house with extra food, water and his litter box for a few days we are gone.
