Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Back to the office

Well, after over 2 years now I am finally getting to go back to the office for a company meeting! I'm actually now really excited about it. Last month I got a couple emails about some mid week/afternoon "Family Fair" our company is having in the middle of July. I've just been ignoring it. Like I'm not going 500 miles for that, just to hang out with a bunch of peoples families, LOL.

This morning my boss emailed that there is also the company mid year meeting that morning at 11am and then the family thing in the afternoon, if I want to come over for it. She said she is flying several remote employees to come in for it. I said sure, I'll come....but I lost track of company policy(s) on Covid, LOL. I'm not vaccinated...she said no restrictions and no masks required. I said I wasn't sure if I wanted fly over or just drive so that I would have transportation to get to dd's house after. Boss said they'd rent me a car, too. So, I opted to fly (I can do the 7 hour drive myself, but it is tiring now). And said if dd can come, she's welcome to the family thing in the afternoon. I messaged dd about the whole thing and she said yes, she can drive down for the family event that will start at 2pm. She starts work early mornings anyway and can just work through lunch and still get most of her 8 hour day in. Then I told boss, hey, don't worry about renting a car. Since dd is coming down, she will be my transportation to her house and back to the airport. I can just taxi/uber from airport to the office. But, of course, boss said she'll just pick me up at the airport. Our office is only about 15 minutes from the airport.

So, I will fly in that morning and get in about 8:30am. The company meeting is at 11am. Then the "family fair" at 2pm. There are so many new people that I have not met in not being back there in over 2 years! It will be really nice to see everyone and meet the new folks. I am staying until Saturday afternoon, so will have a few days with dd, too. Boy, flights are expensive now! It's over double what it typically costs to fly there and back. Usually with booking this early, I could have gotten it for under $200. Now it's over $700 (company paid). But, they don't have to rent me a car now, nor book a hotel, since I'll be staying with dd. In the back of my mind has been that at some point I'll have to go back for a meeting and was like ugh...so now I'm kind of surprised at how excited I am, LOL. It will be good. The co-worker I emailed to rsvp for the family part was excited to hear I'm coming over. 

So, part of what I was wondering when I was at my mom's last was are they cleaning her apartment each week? A few months ago my mom mentioned she had told them she didn't want the service as she didn't feel comfortable having the lady in her room. I talked to one of the office ladies on the phone and told her, no, she needs her apartment cleaned! The lady said that if my mom can certainly stay in her apt to watch, if she wants to. I thought it was taken care of. Then the past few weeks with the camera system, I have been wondering if her apt is getting cleaned. But, I don't typically leave her "motion detection" on during the day, so I could easily have missed them being there as I'm sure they zip in and out in probably 15 minutes, I'll bet. The day I was there on a Tuesday to do her laundry and take her to dr. appt. I saw a cleaning lady in the hall with her cart, but pretty sure my mom's apt didn't get cleaned while we were gone. No signs of it. Then when I was there this last Sunday. She was almost out of TP, the 2 shelves under her tv are all dusty. She's not a messy person, so she could go awhile but now I was wondering has she not had it being done?? I asked the 2 ladies in the office when I was down there returning the key they gave her to use and pretty much sounded like she was one of the residents they had as "no cleaning". I said no. I want her apt. cleaned! The one woman said I don't know why, but we have several residents like that and then the family member has to override them and we just tell the resident "your son/daughter said it has to be cleaned!". 

So, yesterday I just happened to check live about 10:30am. Since she's on that new med I just want to check in on her more until I know she's ok with it. There was a knock on her door and the cleaning lady asked if she wanted service this week? I couldn't hear the discussion, but finally she came in and got it all cleaned! Bed linen changed too. Bathroom cleaned, vacuuming, dusting, cleaned kitchen floor. Ok, now I feel better. I told the ladies at the office if she gives them any more trouble about it, call me and I'll tell mom it has to be done!

Now, I'm not sure if she's "lost" her keys again. Ugh! She definitely did yesterday afternoon. The videos show she came in from lunch. Hurried straight into her room to where she has her purse "hidden" down next to her bed. Then came back out and was looking around a bit. Then stood at her table and was checking in her pants and sweater pockets and I heard her say something about keys. But, since then when she has come back from dinner and then breakfast this morning I can't tell. Usually the video clip you can see her drop the keys and hear them clink. She set something down or moved it, but I can't tell if it's her keys or not. The video quality isn't that good. 

She was up at 6:30 again this morning (and slept thru the whole night), but then when I checked in on her at 7:15 she was sleeping in her recliner, so I had to call to get her going to go down for breakfast, but she did. Now she's back from breakfast and sitting in her recliner. Their "activity calendar" is printed out on this really large sheet of paper and she will sit and look at that thing for an hour or so most days. She did figure out how to turn her tv on to a channel last night, so that was good. I am going to check into getting her an easier remote control if I can figure out how it gets set up to work with her cable and tv. The only thing it doesn't have is access to the guide, so I'm not sure if she'd miss having that to see what is on? I did talk to her a couple of times yesterday and she was very chipper.


  1. That in person work day will be nice, good to get some face to face time!

  2. A business trip to meet co-workers and an opportunity to spend time with your daughter sounds great! Wooohooo!

  3. I hope you stay healthy flying. I'm not advocating or not in vaccines, but just the travelling alone been you've not been exposed to people with any ailments seems risky. We always cleaned for my parents, but they were in their own townhome. Maybe your mom will like how nice and fresh her place is and not complain.

  4. That will be a nice trip and you get to spend time with your daughter, too. The air fare is exorbitant!

    The camera is certainly worth its weight in gold. You have a lot fewer questions when you can see her.

  5. Good for you for insisting that her apartment gets cleaned. Even if she's a tidy person it certainly needs cleaned. I bet she stresses out overit though!
