Saturday, June 25, 2022

Ready for the long break

I do not have to be back to work until July 6th. Wooo! I am really needing this time off, this time. Dealing with mom has gotten me tired and run down and then with our pup sick and having to be put down, I need some rest and recharge time.

And now our cat has diarrhea. Good grief. He was outside the day before for quite awhile exploring. It's certainly possible he ate something he shouldn't have. He also likes to drink out of the toilets, which I'm guessing is probably the culprit. I'll have to make sure the lids are down. I usually try to keep them down, but sometimes forget and dh isn't good about putting the lid back down either. I do not need another vet bill right now. The pup cost us almost $3000 this past 5 or 6 weeks. He doesn't seem sick otherwise. He's eating and drinking and normal energy.

We seem to have finally gotten summer weather here now. Temps in high 70's and into 90's this next week. 

I am liking my $100 Fire tablet, but still hard to get used to the bigger size. It is really nice for watching movies and shows on. I've downloaded a book, but haven't read too much yet. Just haven't found a good book I'm really interested in lately. I don't really like the cover I got for it. I might invest in a better one at some point. I thought it was going to be like a softer leather type, but it's a harder type of "leather".

Mom's place finally got the maintenance guy up there and I see got her tv working again. I saw on camera last night she was eating her dinner with a tv tray at her recliner and watching tv, so she looked content. Next visit (if it's still working!) I'm going to look at all the cords and see if I can remember where the HDMI is plugged in, etc. Then maybe next time she messes it up, I can fix. If she messes it up again, I'm going to try that basic remote control. The only reason I haven't is that it doesn't have a button for the "guide", which that is how she is used to scrolling through the channels.

Today I'm going to vacuum.....and the selfish side of me is glad this will be the last of vacuuming long black dog hair up. He was a shedder, not to mention how long the fur was. I don't know how many vacuums it's clogged and ruined over the last 11 years. I can typically vacuum one or two rooms and the have to empty out the canister because it's full of his fur. And I will not have to mop the hard flooring all the time. It was constantly covered in drool spots wherever he walked and laid.  

I think our neighbors down at the end of our street are going to take our extra kibble dog food. We have an unopened 40lb bag and our bin in the laundry room is almost a full bag. DD is going to take the frozen fresh food I was trying. Unfortunately his next shipment for 3 weeks worth shipped out the day before we put him down, so now I have 21 packets of that food. So, neighbors down the street....they don't even feed their dog any kind of dog food! Just table scraps. She said he was having trouble eating dog food they tried when he was a puppy so they just started feeding him table scraps. Weird. I can't imagine that he could be getting all the nutrients he needs regularly from that kind of diet. 

After our text chat she sent down the 5 year old to share an otter pop and visit with dh to cheer him up. They sat out on the front porch chatting. He's such a cute talkative little boy. Dh sent him home with some of our dogs tennis balls, to play with his dog.

DD said she woke up yesterday and her throat felt much better and her temp was down to 99. Later in the day it was down to 98. Whew, glad she's feeling ok. She was even able to work all day (she also works from home still).


  1. The cat, particularly if he was a stray, may very well may have worms.

    1. We have had the cat for 9 months now. He's been vetted

    2. Cats can get worms again unless he takes something for ongoing protection.

  2. Your mother's TV service provider may offer a free simple remote with larger buttons for the elderly and others requiring assistance. My mother is 94 with macular degeneration and dementia and can easily use the basic remote provided by Comcast Xfinity (the remote also has a guide button).

    1. that's a great idea! I will check with her cable provider.

  3. Enjoy your vacation! Glad your DD is feeling better.

  4. I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that you had to put your pup down. Its heartbreaking. I hope he found all his pup friends to run around happy! Take care , Rose (long time reader)

    1. thank you very much. I hope he's having fun chasing all the chipmunks (he would never hurt one, he just liked trying to find them in the rockery and wood pile)

  5. you may want to I contact the dog food company even though they shipped if a pet passes they will often refund the money and ask that you donate the food to someone who can use it.

    1. I did cancel the subscription with the info that the reason was my dog passed. But, since dd can use them, I'm ok with paying for it.

  6. If everything is still working with the TV, take pictures with your phone camera. It will be right there with you all the time and easy to reference when you need it.

  7. I am glad your daughter is feeling better.

  8. Me too! She just texted she's on her way, with one of her pups coming with her
