Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Plug-ins pulled out

After we did dh's doctor appointment dh dropped me off at mom's place to check into her plug-ins. I sent him off over to Lowe's to pick up 2 more bags of lawn grub killer he needed. We had just been there last Thursday, so he knew where the stuff was. I figured that would save me at least 20 minutes, as I wasn't taking the day off work and wanted to get back as soon as I could.

Mom was downstairs at lunch when I got there at noon, so I just went on up to her apartment (I have my own set of keys) and tried to figure out what she did. First thing I see is on the wall plug in below her tv, both the tv and cable box are unplugged. The HDMI cable is also unplugged again from the back of the tv and the back of the cable box. I get it all plugged in, thinking this still doesn't explain the phone being out. I started looking around the phone and under her desk. Finally I see that she unplugged the power cord from the back of the phone. Ok, phone working now. I turn on the tv and same issue as I had a week and a half ago when I couldn't get her tv to work again. Finally I notice that while I plugged the cable box power cord back in the wall, it was also unplugged from the back of the cable box. Everything is black and hard to see. The shelves are black, the cords are black. Got that plugged in and then the tv worked. I found her remote control on her bedroom nightstand, so I put that back next to her recliner. Her clock on her desk (that she uses ALL the time) was still plugged in but laying face down. The clock on her nightstand was unplugged from the wall and laying face down. I did a quick search through her dresser drawers, just in case her apartment keys were missing again (I don't think they are, I saw them on her table on the camera yesterday) and didn't find them. I did find the calendar I had gotten her for Christmas though, LOL. Still wrapped in the plastic, underneath clothes. I also finally had gotten the directions on how to fix uncles speed dial ph# in her telephone. Apparently I didn't get it put in right to begin with, so that is the weird (inactive) # that shows up on her call list as trying to call. Hopefully she can hold the fort until I go back again on Saturday to spend some time with her, do her laundry AND get the plug-in covers installed.

Right as I was getting done, dh texted that he was back parked in the parking lot, no hurry. I checked out and we were on our way to pick up groceries. What a crabby curbside guy we got this time. Then we went thru the Wendy's drive through and got lunch. We decided to try a different car wash on the way home. The one we have always used, where you have to drive the tires into their tracks, apparently won't work with our new car and how it works to put it neutral, it's a big no no. So, we tried one where you drive in and the sprayers move around the car and then you drive out. I told him to get out and look it over after we pulled out, rather than after the 45 mile drive home. To see how clean it gets its. He was not as impressed, unfortunately, but said it will be a good one to use in the winter to spray the dirt and road chemicals off.

Here is what I just ordered to try to block the unplugging obsession:

they are supposed to be here on Friday, so I can take them with me when I go to see her on Saturday.

When I was listening in the other evening to the conversation with her neighbor lady, mom mentioned something about the lady could just call her to check on her if she wants and the lady said "oh, I don't have a phone". Gosh, that seems strange! How would family get a hold of her or check on her? She doesn't have memory issues, so seems odd that she wouldn't have a phone. I know my mom mentioned her a few times after she first moved in, she had chatted with her quite a bit. She has a daughter, but the daughter hardly ever sees her. And also that paying for this apartment (she has a studio) is hard for her. One time not too long ago we were going back to mom's apt and she came out her door and we chatted. She was complaining she couldn't sleep at night because there is a red flashing light from outside that flashes in between her blinds. I suggested she put up some curtains. She said "well, I'm not paying for it!". But, I can't imagine not having a phone. What does she do to make doctors appointments and such? Maybe the apartment place has a phone the residents can use to make calls.

Being back "online" with mom is a relief. Since I've had the camera's it's made knowing what is going on with her so much easier. She can be quick sometimes, LOL. I have her med set to notify her starting at 6:30pm. She's been getting back from dinner around 6:20 then heads straight for her bathroom, which can take 5 or so minutes. It was like 1 minute before 6:30 and she had come out of the bathroom and I'm watching, waiting for the med dispenser to chime, and then her to call me and say did you just try to call me? Only she disappeared from view. Did she just leave again? LOL. Yep. She walked out 30 seconds before her med dispenser would chime. More often, again, she's been going to watch tv with her guy friend after dinner, but she is usually back around 7:15. I kept watching and waiting, so I could get her pills taken and done. Finally at 8pm she got back. I called her right then and got her to take them. She said she was there longer because they were watching a ball game.

I've had to tweak the pill taking process a bit now, too. Once I got the cameras I was letting her hang up the phone before taking them because I could watch her go to her sink and take them. But, now, after a few times of her getting distracted by the time she hangs up and gets to the sink (and I have to call again) and also she takes the little dispenser cup and then it doesn't get put back most often, so the next evening we spend 5 minutes getting her to find the cup to put under it. So, last night I had her take them while still on the phone (I can still watch her at the sink) and then when she came back to the phone I had her put the cup back.

The new fresh dog food arrived and thankfully it was still cold enough to be ok. I put all but 2 packs in the freezer. He got to start with a 25% ratio of it this yesterday morning, 75% regular food. He scarfed it right down and apparently it's so good the cat came through after he was done and licked the dog food bowl clean, LOL. Pup came up to my office to say hello (ie get at treat) 3 times yesterday. He has barely come upstairs in months, let alone 3 times in one day. He already came up this morning, too. The instructions recommend doing another 25/75 today and then starting tomorrow 50/50 ratio for 2 days, then 75/25 for 2 days and then 100% on the 7th day.

The good news this morning is that mom was up on her own and got ready to go down to breakfast without me having to call her. She was also not up at all last night. No camera notifications. Usually it will show her up a couple times. Either going to the bathroom or coming out to adjust her heat or see what time it is. I got an email back from the assisted living place and the lady is going to call me sometime today to get more info. She said some apartments types have a wait, but didn't say which ones. 


  1. I'm taking it you snuck in and did all that without your mom knowing you'd been there? It's all very cloak and dagger - but it must be very wearing!

    1. I did! I didn't plan it that way, it's just that dh's dr appt was from 11:30 to noon and noon was when I had time to go there. Thankfully I have my own set of keys! But it did make it quicker to figure out and take care of since she wasn't in her apartment. I was tired after I got finished with work yesterday - I even took a short nap before I made dinner.

  2. I hope you keep the camera when she moves to the other place. Thank goodness she has you. I wonder what possesses her to unplug every plug she can find, even on the device as well as the wall. She is not old enough to remember the days when people were terrified of electricity and unplugged the radio to keep from burning the house down. Was she active in plugging in devices when she was married. Or, did someone else take care of the computer stuff. I wonder what she would do if you told her to plug things back in.
    I wish I had had things to cover plugs when my kids were little.

    1. If the new place allows it, I will probably keep for awhile to see how she adjusts. She never unplugged things before. The only thing she always did (pre dementia) was always turned off her computer when done using it.

  3. That's an exhausting afternoon.
    Too bad we're not a totally wireless world!

    1. I have had the same thought a few times lately - need more wireless! haha.
