Saturday, June 18, 2022

A busy day ahead

Pretty much whenever I go to the city, I end up having numerous stops. Today is really filled up, too. I need to get a power of attorney form notarized that the new investment company we switched mom's money to. In addition to my DPOA, they require one filled out (the other investment company was the same way) and it has to be notarized. I found out that the UPS Stores in the city do notary, so online, I scheduled an appointment for 10:00 this morning. They schedule them in 1/2 hour increments. Well, it's just a one page thing. Really should not take more than 5 minutes. My plan is to just leave here at 9am and I'll probably be there by 9:45 or 9:50. If they can get me done a little early, all the better. Then at 10:30 I have the tour for the assisted living place scheduled. She said it usually takes about 45 minutes. 

If I got straight to mom's right after, it will be just before 11:30 and her lunch downstairs in the dining room is at noon. If I get there before I know it will be repeat repeat repeat that she just needs to go down for lunch and I'll stay up in her apartment and do her laundry. It will just be a constant question every 2 mintues, so, I think what I'm going to do is once I'm done with the tour, I'm going to run to the nearby store and pick up the snacks she is out of. Then I am going to watch her camera and make sure she went down to the dining room and at noon I'm heading up to her apartment "on the sly" so I can have that hour to get her laundry in the washing machine. Then while I'm waiting for it to wash I'll be in her apartment and starting to see what things I can just throw away! At a minimum I want to fill up a garbage bag. There is a big garbage can in the laundry room I can put it in. If I can do 2 bags, I will. I have learned to just put her wash on the machine's "quick" cycle and it takes 30 minutes. Drying usually takes about 50 minutes. I also need to install the outlet and powerstrip covers that came yesterday. When she gets back to her apartment about 1pm I'll let her know I just arrived a little early, so I went ahead and let myself in, LOL. This way I can be done with her laundry by about 1:30 and I'm hoping to get out of there around 1:45 and home by 2:30. Still a long tiring day, in my book. I'm hoping when she gets back from lunch I can then talk her into taking a shower while I'm there.

Yesterday I finally cancelled my mom's cell phone account. Never did find her phone. I had put it on "suspend" for 3 months at $10/mo and that is over and phone not found and even if I did find it, there's no way she could use it without problems, so it was time to cancel and save that $32/mo. Plus I just got email that Verizon is upping their monthly fee by $6/mo. 

And she's hidden her keys again, so I'll be looking for those, too. I'm going to take one of her bowls and make a sign to tape upright to the back of it that says "KEYS" and maybe that will trigger her to start just leaving them in the bowl instead of trying to hide them. I doubt it though. She's just been focused on her purse, wallet, money, and keys the past 2 days. Hard to get her to "re-direct" when they get like that.

This morning is the first morning in almost a week that she isn't getting herself ready to go down for breakfast. She got up, but has been in her recliner. I just called and she said she wasn't feeling that good this morning so she thinks she'll just stay in her apartment and have cereal. I told her she doesn't have any cereal or milk! I will also pick her up some to have on hand again. She hasn't mentioned getting that at the store in a long time.

It's very unpeaceful here again, with all the loudness next door. It's so strange. They have this huge 2 story house with a huge backyard facing the river. They have a huge patio on the lower level that goes the width of the house and an upper deck that does the same. Where do they all spend their time? Sitting in lawn chairs in their driveway! Oh and spent all afternoon/dinner time running their quad back and forth in front of our place. It all makes dh just on edge and then he's not at all enjoyable to be around. No clue how long they are all staying this time.