Saturday, April 16, 2022

Taxes filed and other complaining

I finally got my tax (state and federal) returns done yesterday and filed. I had started it like back early Feb, but didn't seem like I was getting much of an adjustment for all the medical bills, as well as I should have gotten a subsidy of about $200/mo on dh's ACA insurance plan I put him on last September and didn't realize there was a subsidy available. I must have missed checking off a box or answering a question, but when I went back through all the questions there was a spot for me to enter his Form 1095-A (I think that form came after I had first started working on it) and then the taxes owed adjusted down. I also remembered that we still had the last part of the "capital loss carryover" to claim from dh's dad's estate. They only let you take $3000 per year, so we got $3000 the last 2 years and then the last $2598 to use up this year.  I ended up with a large $2219 state refund and  owing $1414 on Federal, so a total refund of $805. Just good to have that done and off my to do list. Not to mention some extra money in my pocket this year sure doesn't hurt.

Can you even imagine going out to a dinner that costs $1000 per person??!!  That's a bill I just paid for our company owner and company president and their significant others.  Some fancy restaurant they went to in California. Yet, there isn't enough money in the company budget to give raises in the last 3 years....

I just did another review to see if any recent raises have been put in. Our of the 22 long time employees (I left out the management and all the people starting with in last year or so) just in the past 2 months 7 of them have finally gotten raises, after at least 3 years. They ranged between 2.8% and 15%. I think at some point, soon, I'm going to broach the subject with my boss as "I'm wondering if the company is going to re-implement doing annual performance reviews." We used to always do annual reviews - part supervisor reviewed, part self review. That got completely dropped when they stopped giving raises. The company's income is relative to inflation. Our mfg's we rep keep upping their prices, which in turn, increases our commission revenue dollars. Let alone a $1000 a plate dinner...........

DH cleaned up the old car, took some pics, and listed in on Facebook marketplace. Then he remembered this state requires that you have to sign off the title in front of a notary. Oh good grief. How stupid is that! Of course, if someone wants it this weekend there is no where in town to go have it done. Then I texted our neighbor (who works at a bank) to ask if she's a notary and she said she let hers expire in December, since she'll be retiring. Dang it! Where we used to live when you sell something with a title you just sign off on it and give it to them, you don't have to jump through hoops. Oh, and also when you sell a car here you have to take the license plates off. So weird, LOL.

DH was trying to take a picture of the moon last night and opened the door to step outside to take one that wasn't thru the window. The dang cat ran out. Now he has done this before the last couple days and with the snow and cold he he turned around and came right back in. Well, he wouldn't come back in. It was 9pm. We didn't get him inside until 11pm. It was like 25 degrees out. I'm still mad at him this morning.

The picture was good! (though the best one was from inside the laundry room door). This was at 9pm and the moon was so bright and with no flash

About an hour before this picture we spent about a half hour watching the 3 "neighborhood" deer in our back yard. I'm sure it's the same 3 we see around often, usually crossing the road about 1/2 mile down when going to town.

I received some other money in the mail yesterday. Our phone company is like a co-op type and distribute extra funds back, usually, each year. A whopping $13.76, haha. I wonder how long it takes to get the state tax refund back. When I looked up online to see if I could find out what the typical turn around time is, all I can find is it takes up to 90 days. Hopefully they are not that dang slow.


  1. That is a beautiful picture! I suppose the cat wanted to see the moon, too. Tommy finished his taxes, too. Real estate agencies have notaries. Car dealerships, too.

    1. There are places open in the city who can do notary on the weekend, but 50 miles away. Nothing in our small town.

  2. What a beautiful picture! In the summer it would be so great to sit outside and enjoy that view.

    1. We do sit out on our front porch a lot in summer afternoons and evenings, it's cooler than the back, where the sun is most of the day.

  3. That picture is just stunning so don't be too mad at him (mad at the hubs or the cat)?

    1. HAHA! I was first mad at the hubs and then mad at the cat

  4. Pretty picture, but I'd be furious if he let the cat out at that hour as well. (We can't let our cats out here, unless we want them to become fodder for the coyotes.)
    I believe that a meal could cost that much, but can't believe it is WORTH that much. I think I would be equally as irritated.
    Happy Easter!

    1. the cat getting out was an accident, could have happened to me just as easily.

  5. $1000 dinners? Yikes! Seems obscene to me! Haha!

    1. I guess it's a sign of where my company's values might be heading :(
