Thursday, April 28, 2022

Now it's my leg

Yesterday, sometime before lunch, I had gotten up from my work chair and as I'm walking notice my right leg feels kind of odd. Ok, so my shin area is all numb and my foot is tingly, like it had started to fall asleep. I'm thinking hmmm, I must have been sitting off a bit in my chair or something. Every so often (rarely) my foot/lower leg starts to fall asleep. So, I try to walk it off. Nope, no change. All day. It was a little bit better this morning. My foot wasn't tingling and the shin area wasn't quite as numb feeling. But, just sitting here for the last half hour or so, it seems to be heading back that way. What in the heck? I'm guessing some nerve in my back (sciatic) or hip?

I remembered my boss, several years ago (right before I moved I think) having a problem where one of her feet was numb a lot. They kept thinking it was something in her back or knee. Eventually they figured out her hip was causing it, but by the time they figured out her hip had a problem she needed a hip replacement (I had forgotten about her having that). Well, I guess if it keeps up, I'll have to get into see my doctor. Ugh. 

I also remember a couple years ago, for quite awhile, I was having a problem with my right leg while sitting in this work chair. The back of my leg was actually hurting. After I started doing daily stretches it ended up going away and I haven't had that happen anymore. 

Long story short, I had plugged mom's computer back in when I was setting up her camera because I was trying to get her wifi password. I forgot to unplug it, haha. She was trying to get on it yesterday afternoon and calls me, as usual, she can't figure it out, can I look at it? I told her I have to look at it while I'm there. Then after dinner I see on the camera she is sitting at her computer. I can't see what is on it, the video is too far away and not good enough quality. About the only thing I have on there for her is the solitaire game and her email. Every time I looked at the camera between 7pm and 9pm she was sitting there with her hand on the mouse. The screen was changing so she was obviously doing something. I can't believe she was doing it for 2 hours. I'm assuming it was solitaire. But good that she had something keeping her busy, whatever it was.

I grabbed my phone at 6pm last night to call her to take her meds and saw from the Hero app that she had already dispensed them at 5:50. did she actually take them? The live feed was showing her sitting at her desk (where the dispenser is). So, I called and apparently she had pushed the button and dispensed the 5 pills but just left them in the cup underneath the dispenser. I'm having a really hard time getting her to take them while I am still on the phone to her. She will change the subject or say yep, they are in my hand (yes, I can see that haha) and I'll take them as soon as I hang up. So, we hang up and I sit there and watch the camera for the next several minutes while she tries to remember what she needs to do! She sat and looked at the cup in her hand for what seemed like forever and then finally poured them in her hand and put the cup back. Then she got up and walked over to her sink (which I can't see her there, below the camera) and is talking to herself trying to remember what to do. She said something like "do I take these now? yes, she said I need to take them". 

After dinner last night we streamed one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, the 4th one. We have never seen the 4th and 5th one. Our cat was mesmerized by it, LOL. He actually watched like half of it and then went to sleep.



  1. The numbing sounds like it would be worth at minimum, a video call with your doctor and maybe some lab tests. I worry at our ages about potential clots or something happening restricting circulation. My sister had just turned 56 when she had her aneurysm, my age now, so I encourage others in my age group to not put off when new odd symptoms happen. Hopefully it is nothing and stretches, exercise will help. We got to look out for ourselves and each other, lol! Funny your cat liked the movie-the last few in the series of Pirates were so awful, perhaps that is the target audience.

  2. I just watched a video on you tube I thought you might like. Sorry, I can't link it because my phone is being stubborn, but the channel is See Mindy Mom and its her video from today. She does a price comparison between wm brands and name brands. It was actually a really good video. I skipped through the brief sponsored content.

  3. Maybe you should try the stretches until you can talk with your doctor. At least when your mother talks to herself you can tell what is on her mind and how it is working. That is funny that your cat is so intrigued.

  4. Sitting all day can do a number on you can't it. Typist's hump isn't called typist's hump without good cause!

  5. Pinched nerve, maybe?

  6. Hope you feel better:(
