Sunday, April 17, 2022


Well, that was easy! Sold the car to the first people that came and looked at it. DH had gotten a message yesterday morning that a couple wanted to come look at it at 1pm. We have a Facebook friend who owns the title company in town. I messaged her on FB to ask if she knows of anyone in town available to do a notary on the car title this weekend. I also put an inquiry on our town buy/sell type of FB page. The title company owner replied right back that she was out of town for the weekend, but would check and see if one of her other employees was available to do it. Then she messaged back the girl would meet us at her office at 11. I said we'll be there! Turns out she only lives like a block or two from her office so it wasn't out of her way and she said she needed to go out to the store anyway. We were done in about 5 minutes. I'm so thankful we were able to get the title notarized beforehand.

DH also had 3 others messaging him and told them someone was coming at 1 but he'll let them know if they don't buy it. They showed up right at 1 o'clock. Nice couple with 2 teenagers. The mom loved the car and they handed over our asking price and drove it off. Didn't even go test drive it.

Merry Easter - we already had several inches on the ground and it snowed pretty much all yesterday afternoon and evening. It's been snowing since I got up. Feels like winter holiday, not Easter! We don't do an Easter dinner. I don't even know what we're going to have for dinner today. Last night I made the enchiladas (to which every time he starts to eat them dh says "dang, these are good!) and there was some left in the dish and dh said that looks like enough for some leftovers, so I out them in the fridge. That's probably what he'll have for dinner. I am going to make blueberry muffins for breakfast, after dh gets up.

I just ordered that little security type camera, from Amazon, I'm going to try to put in mom's apartment. It's supposed to be here Tues, so should be here before I go see her on my day off next Friday. I really need to access how she's really doing by herself in her apartment and am hoping that gives me some insight by watching her for a bit. She was confused about her pills again last night...called me up about a half hour after the app showed she dispensed them - and apparently also had a prior days cup of pills, so she missed a day again. I am just going to have to call her every evening and make sure she actually takes them and not assume she is. 

I think on Friday I am going to stop at the flooring place and look at carpet for our bonus room and see if I can get an estimate on what it would cost to have installed. I just want some type of light colored berber type up there. We need about 650 sqft. We've measured it like twice now and each time I forget where I wrote it down. Maybe it's in my phone notes.


  1. Congrats on the easy sale! I think putting up a camera in your mom's room is a good idea. Happy Easter!

  2. I am glad the sale went well and quickly. When I have sold cars, they always were bought by the first person. Then, i figure I sold the car too cheaply. But, I didn't care since it was gone and I did not have to think about it or bother.

    I thought you had the problem solved with the pills! You will probably learn a lot with the camera in place.

    1. We did the same thing, figured we probably sold it too cheap, but it was nice to only have to deal with the whole sale for less than a day and one person. Like dh said, if we had listed it higher they then might have just tried to talk us down to what we got a anyway.

  3. Crikey everything fell into place for the sale of that car didn't it!!! Lucky you! And I think a security camera would be a great idea to use at your mom's, not just to watch her but .... You can never be too careful when someone is vulnerable! And maybe you'll catch that dang person that keeps coming in and taking her stuff!

    1. Yes, I'll finally catch the mysterious "people" who come into her apartment ;)
