Thursday, April 14, 2022

My middle name

I feel like I keep getting hungrier every day, LOL.  I keep telling myself to make some hard boiled eggs for a snack to have on hand and yet I haven't. My procrastination level is awful. It's my middle name. Same with getting that Passport applied for! Still hadn't done anything! So, I did download, print and start to fill out the application. Now I gotta get into the safe and get out my birth certificate. So you just give them the original?  Apparently they send it back. You'd think I'd know how this works after doing/helping my dh and 2 kids get passports years ago. Son got one to go to Australia to race. Then dh decided to get one, because, well - racing is a dangerous sport and if something happened to him over there while racing, dh would most likely be the one to have gone, so he got the passport. DD got one to go to Ireland.

The whole reason for me to get one is to get into Canada to go visit my half sister in Alberta. While our state is a border state, it doesn't offer the enhanced driver's license (that's dumb!) so I'll need a passport. But for some reason the past few months my sis has been very quiet and not very chatty. I know she went back to work f/t and her job is pretty stressful right now, so maybe that is just it. We used to text pretty often and seemed pretty equal on both sides of contacting each other. I have tried a couple of times in the past 2-3 months, but getting really short conversations from her. I tried again last Friday evening. I know she likes similar shows and movies as I do, and I thought she had Apple+TV (because she had once recommended a movie from that service for me to watch) so I texted and asked if she still had Apple+tv and she said she did, what's up? I said oh there's a really good show I just finished watching that I thought you'd like and told her about it. She said good, she was looking for something new to watch and about 15 minutes later texted back she had just started it and seemed good so far. Haven't heard back from her since. I thought about texting her again to ask if she watched more of it, but now I'm feeling like I'm just bugging her....and I feel like if she did watch it and like it she would have texted back at some point to mention it.

Anyhow, I did also look up if there is a AAA office in the city and it's by my doctor's office. So, when I go in on my day off next Friday, I will stop in and get the photo. I might first stop in Walgreens (right near my mom and all the stores) to see if they do them and save the extra 4-5 miles to get to the AAA office.

After dinner last night, I finally made some hard boiled eggs. Geez - that was hard, LOL. 

Maybe I'll get my tax return done today............


  1. Eggs are really good to eat to keep me full longer. Sometimes, I just munch on a bit of chicken.

    I wanted to go to Cuba 30 years ago, but never completed the passport stuff. I have no idea what they do with my birth certificate when I order it from Mississippi!

    1. I love hard boiled eggs, so I will have to make a point to make them more often. Especially now that the "experts" say they are ok for you, LOL.

  2. Yep, they need your original birth certificate. You'll get it back. Just hold your breath. They were really backlogged but hopefully they are catching up. I think mine expires next year.
    We do have the fancy drivers licenses. I'm not sure what good they are. LoL

    1. I had the enhanced license where we lived before and never used it, haha.

  3. May be you need to just call your SIS and ask her if everything is all right and that you miss corresponding on a more frequent basis. May be she is having a problem and may want to share. May be she is getting tired as she is trying to get used to working full time again. Too many may bes ha?

    1. I was just thinking the same thing while I was showering this morning! Just message and ask if she's ok and tell her I miss our chats!

  4. I think T'Pol is right - your sister is readjusting to working full time but maybe something is going on and its affecting how she normally communicates with you! As for the passport, definitely apply because it's always good to have one!

    1. Her last mention of work was someone quit (again) and she's doing their job now too. I think I had just gotten used to when she wasn't working (or working from home) for quite awhile so we could text off and on during the week/during the day. Now I don't want to bother her during the day when she's at the office and often I'm tired in the evenings, so I don't make the effort to text then (but neither does she).

  5. Ha, passports and tax returns!!!! I'm still nagging my son to move on Charlie's US passport. I tried to get him to look at this stuff BEFORE his dad arrived and yet his dad flies back to the States in 48 hours! Oh well. Then there are my French taxes and my kids' US taxes, and I'm still trying to get through online for my French naturalisation. I think ultimately when you actually sit down and do some of this stuff it isn't too bad, but it looks like a tsunami when you're facing it all, doesn't it. I do hope your sister is ok though as you must be worried!

  6. My son and dil just renewed their passports. They were shocked to have their new ones in less than a month, but renewals are probably quicker than new ones. I let mine expire a couple years ago. I decided I have been everywhere I ever want to go, and a few places I should have skipped lol.

    1. Been to Canada numerous times over the years. All's we needed back then was our drivers license. Stupid that you need a passport to drive across the border and get back in the US, now.

  7. You can get the passport card instead if all you will do is drive. I dont think they work for air travel, and they are only valid for Canada and Mexico, but they are quite a bit cheaper I think.

    1. it is cheaper, but I figure I might as well get a full passport if I'm going to the trouble to apply, get the photo, etc, LOL. Who knows...maybe one day I'll get to travel via air to another country.
