Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Quiet next door

I'm still surprised we have not seen the new neighbors who bought the 2 lots next to us. We were certain as soon as snow was gone and ground warmed up they'd be right out here getting started on it all, especially as the guy said he has some of his own equipment to do the land clearing. Haven't seen them even out here looking around at their property. Around here, as soon as the ground is ready you want to get started. When we drove into town last weekend we saw a couple of properties where people were started on the site work. One was getting their well dug. Since building, even a spec home, around here, takes about a year, you want to get started asap in the spring to even stand a chance of getting your home at least to the point of "dried in" before next winter comes in late Fall. Well, I guess if they aren't doing anything this year, that's good for us, haha. Less annoyance. The couple that bought lot 6, will be 3 years into their 5 year plan, this summer. Wonder if that is still their plan to start building in 5 years. Lots can change in 5 years.

There is a house that has been for sale for about 5 months, on the river about 5 miles up river from us. Someone bought it in late spring/summer of last year and reduced it to 5 acres (instead of 40) and updated the house just to flip it and put in on the market for 1.4 million. Dh had talked to someone who knew the "flipper" and he said they put about $100k into it. Two 2 weeks after listing it they dropped it a whopping $10,000, LOL. I see they just now reduced it by another $90,000, down to 1.3 million. I don't know...still seems way overpriced. I think the guy paid about a million for the house (that's what it listed for) and 40 acres. Supposedly he'll be breaking up into 5 acre lots for the rest. I'm not sure if he will just be selling the lots, or building and selling. So far he hasn't listed any lots, so not sure what the plan is. Obviously if he bought the house to flip and it's not selling quickly, he's losing money.

When the house originally went for sale last spring and it sold so fast, it was right when things were starting to go crazy with people moving due to pandemic, etc. We were like wow, that house sold so fast, the market must be hot! Then after a little while we were like, how come no one else listing their places around here, for similar amounts, aren't selling fast? Then we found out it sold to a flipper, so that's why it sold fast. Obviously the guy thought he'd put some money into to to update it from it's 90's look and turn around and sell it and make a good profit. 

But, I'm guessing he didn't do his homework very well about this area. (he's from the city). High priced homes out here in this area (40-50 miles from the city) do not sell very fast at all. Even in a good market. Some of the higher priced homes have taken a couple of years to sell, even longer. Some still haven't sold. And now with higher interest rates than last year, I'm sure a high priced home is going to get even a little harder to sell now. 

As for the neighbors on the other side of us....just waiting to hear the news that their son and family will be moving in when they move over here and get started on their house...........



  1. Replies
    1. I know - it makes me sick to even think about it. Honestly, the only thing I can hope is that the neighbors on the other side of us DO start building - all their noise will cancel out the ANNOYING family.

  2. It will be a challenging summer when the people move in next door! My new neighbors have barking dogs.

  3. I hope the son and family will not be able to move to your neighborhood. May be a job offer elsewhere or something? I am actually wishing for them to move far away and ask the mom and dad to relocate as well. May be that house can be purchased by some nice people then ha? Why not?

    1. I am hoping maybe a delay? LOL. Son is in the military...hard to say what could happen, especially if US decides to send troups to Ukraine. I know last year Mrs. said his plan was to transfer here to the city nearby to work in the recruiting office, so then he couldn't get deployed...and at the time that was supposed to happen this coming May. Mom and dad will never leave this home, until they absolutely have to, due to age, if then even.

  4. Over here they're talking of a market crash, although I don't think it will affect prices near me because anything this near to Geneva sells in about two days!

    1. It sure seems like it should at least slow down some. Over where my dd lives has always been a seller market for years, but the past 2 years has been craziness.
