Sunday, April 10, 2022

Saturday mom visit

My visit with mom went good yesterday. She was doing well. I had tried calling her all morning to remind her I was coming, but no answer. I know on the schedule it was breakfast, wii bowling and then exercise, then lunch. I wasn't getting there until around 1pm, so figured she'd be back in her apartment after lunch and if not, well, I'd get her laundry started and get her pills refilled, haha. (I have a key to her apartment).

Weekends are often meals brought to their apartments, so when I got there just before 1pm she was in her apartment just finishing eating her lunch. I got her medication dispenser filled up and also retaped the plug in down in back. Not sure what else to try. Before, I had put several pieces of electrical tape over it. It was still stuck to the back, but all wadded, where she had removed it to unplug. I'm laughing to myself thinking ya, sure....this was taped down with 4-5 pcs of tape and it came unplugged because the cleaners bumped the desk with the vacuum.....LOL! I put tape over it every which way, again, and then wrapped a long continuous piece around the whole base and back over it partway. She's really going to have to work at it to get it off. Next visit I may bring something I cut into like a small square a few inches in size and place that over the plug in and tap that down. I also tried to explain to her again which cup to use in the dispenser. I took the white (cut down) styrofoam cup and wrote on it "Medication Cup" in sharpie pen.

I said I'm going into your bedroom to get your laundry, I'm sure some needs to be done. She says ya..I probably do need to do some. I can do that. Again, laughed to myself. Mom, you haven't done laundry in almost 2 years, LOL. I did actually say to her "well, I'm going to just get it done now - you always tell me you will do it but you don't go do it". She was her usual well, I wash things out in the sink. I said well, you can't wash these night gowns in the sink can you? Well, no..... I also discovered last visit that one of the washing machines has a "quick wash" setting. I've been using that to save a little time. It's not like her stuff is super dirty and I do think it's shaving a good 15 minutes off the wash time. Sometimes it's a bit hard to wait almost 2 hours for it all to get done.

Later, we were just sitting chatting and she's in her recliner and I'm in the little loveseat and I say is your recliner still feeling uncomfortable, maybe we need to go look for a new one soon. She says oh, did I tell you about it? They brought my recliner back! So, it's all good now. OMG! I was dying inside laughing. I guess it's all good now, LOL. One thing she almost always brings up when we are sitting chatting is "when I'm gone do you think you'll want some of this furniture?" I just say oh, maybe some of it. I have most of the furniture I need for now.". Sure...I want an old recliner, an old twin bed/mattress and a student size desk, haha ;)

Her calendar on her kitchen wall still says January, but she knew it was the 9th of April yesterday, when she was looking at her activities calendar. She's always been one to tear off her address from magazines, junk mail etc and then shred that part. But, the past year or so she doesn't seem to shred them. I'm in her bathroom and I see some little papers on her small vanity countertop and I look and it's 3 pieces where she had torn off her address. Why they are on her bathroom counter, no clue. I asked her what phone number she has for my uncle as a ph# that goes to nowhere is showing up as her repeatedly trying to call, with his area code. She got out her little address book and looked him up. She did have 3 different #'s for him (OLD OLD work# and must have been an old landline#, plus his cell). But, neither of these 2 numbers was what she is dialing. I crossed out the bad 2 numbers listed. I looked around trying to find something on her desk (lots of papers, notes as usual) but I can find nothing with this ph#. Not sure where she is getting it.

But, overall she did seem really good. While we were waiting for clothes to get dried she said let's go downstairs to the dining room (she called it kitchen) and see what they have for something to snack on. They have an area with some snacks, coffee, tea, etc. So we grabbed a couple of small blueberry type pastry and she got her mail. In the elevator was a sign for "movie night" being held last night at 6:30. I don't know that she has ever gone down for those. She has never mentioned it. The movie was Driving Miss Daisy and I said "oh that's a really cute movie". She did comment she doesn't go down for the movies.  At 6:10 I got the notification she took her meds. Yay!

But, apparently she did go see the movie downstairs last night, so something in our conversation must have stuck in her mind. She called me later and said she went down to watch a movie and when she got back her tv is on. She didn't leave it on/turn it on, so someone must have come in her apt.. but the issue was she couldn't get it turned off! I know she was pressing the correct button to turn it off so the only thing I could think is her remote batteries died! I told her there is a button on her tv to turn off but I had no idea where. I think it was her that said well, I can just unplug it. I said maybe someone there can loan you some batteries and I'll bring some new ones to replace theirs. 

We got some snow again last night. More predicted off and on this week with colder temps again. 

Oh and driving my car was awesome! I love it. So smooth and quiet to drive. Of course I parked way out from other cars....of course each time (mom's and 2 stores) I get back out to my car and someone parked right next to me! Why is that? LOL.  

A week or so ago I had cut my hair again, but for some reason was having a hard time getting some layers in. I just wasn't cutting enough off to make the layers and was being too hesitant. It looked awful, haha. Yesterday morning I decided to try some more and finally got it looking better. Then a little curling iron to tame the curls and looked ok. When I was checking in mom's place one of the lady's that works there was standing back in the office behind the desk and I said hello (she knows who I am) and then said "your hair looks so good!" I was like thank you! I didn't tell her I cut it myself, LOL.


  1. I hate those long two hour cycles on the washing machine.
    Who needs to wash their clothes for two hours I wonder?
    I've discovered a 30 minute programme and it does just fine.
    That was nice for you two to have a coffee and snack together downstairs. x

    1. the washing cycle is like 45 or 50 minutes and then another 50 for drying, is where I was calculating it taking me 2 hours to get it all done (and put away time). I wish drying time was faster!

  2. I envy you for cutting your own hair. When I tried it, I chopped most of it off on one side and made a mess. My poor SIS had to chop off the rest. She must have done a good job though because, I let it grow and I still can get away with not going to a hair dresser for a while. I am glad you had a nice visit with your mom.

    1. I had never cut my hair before moving here. The first couple of years I'd go in a couple of times a year and get it cut (shoulder lenth/layered), but after watching some video on how to do it I gave it a try. When it all gets too long I first cut off to the length I want, which them takes away whatever layers I had. Adding back in the layers is what always scares me, so that is why I try to do it in small steps, usually takes me a week or two of a little bit more each time, LOL.

  3. This last time, I had the length on the sides cut and then grabbed the wrong hair in the back, ending up cutting off 8 or 9 inches. I won't have to cut my hair for six months or more!

    I think we women have so much fear about staying safe that the fear and need for caution in our homes lasts through dementia that removes so many other habits. My grandmother always thought a man with a knife was coming into her little store. That was what tipped my uncle to the fact there was something wrong.

    1. Ooops! Lucikly I haven't messed up my hair yet.

  4. It amazes me that she tries to un-do all the tape you attach to wires & chords, outlets etc. I find it fascinating.
    I cut my hair for years, but I never had layers. I hate going for a cut or even a trim.
    You're going to enjoy that new car feeling for a longgg time. :)

  5. It amazes me, too, how her brain operates now. And that fact that she know thinks her recliner got returned? LOL.

  6. Have you checked out the child proof outlet covers. There are some that you can have plugs plugged in...

    1. The problem is she's unplugging from the device, not the wall plug in. I'm not sure how to stop her from unplugging from the back of the device, other than keep trying to tape it down.
