Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Fixed todays problems

Fortunately I was able to get a hold of my mom right before 9am, when she got back to her apartment after breakfast.  And thankfully the plug in was laying there next to the machine and had not slipped back down behind the desk. She was able to get it plugged back in. Then we were back to the dang cup that goes underneath! She keeps trying to use a clear cup (that desserts come in) and I keep having to say no, we're using the white (styrofoam cup). It appears she keeps throwing that away or something as she then had to get another cup cut down to fit underneath. At least she always seems to have those cups on her kitchen counter, from getting coffee downstairs. I could make one of the clear cups work, I'm sure, by just taking a black sharpie pen and going over the bottom of it, but then she'd probably just throw that away. But, I'll also try that next visit. I think I'll also write on the side of the clear plastic cup "HERO cup". Worth a try.

Of course, I said you unplugged it. You CAN'T unplug this. Of course she said she didn't do it. The cleaners must have done it/bumped it lose when they were vacuuming. Ok, let's go with that, there is no point in telling her otherwise (ummm...because the cleaners did not come in between 8pm last night and 7am this morning!) but regardless it needs to get plugged back in. Once the cup was underneath and she pushed the magic button, the pills dropped in. She acted like this was the first time she's used this! She says "oh, so I have to do this every morning?". 

Tonight, after she gets her 6pm pill taken,  I am just going to change the time for tomorrows pills to all be dispensed at the 6pm time. Let's hope that time for all the pills will make things a little easier. It's worth a try, since she typically hasn't had much problem taking her 6pm pill time.

The assistant lady with her investment account called me. Apparently she goofed and didn't realize my mom's RMD was still set up to distribute to that closed account. She says a new distribution form needs to be filled out, she can either mail or email docusign. Of course I said just email for docusign. Then she said her RMD doesn't have to be automatic each year, it can be requested. No....please just keep it on automatic each year. There is no reason to not have it on automatic. Then she offers, a check can be mailed as an option, too. NO (for goodness sake!) It's required and has to be done, just do it automatically and transfer it to her external checking. Easy peasy, done. Don't need to make this any harder than it needs to be! She says I will get a text with a PIN# to use to do the docusign, but sometimes the texts don't seem to go through, so if I don't the text, do this...blah blah. You'd think a company as large as this one could get things straight and working properly. Plus she said the email will go to my mom's email on file. I said sure, that will work. (Because I'm just going to log in and sign for her! LOL). I see the email just came through but no text, as she predicted. I'll wait a bit longer and see if the text comes through, otherwise I'll try her other method to get a PIN# needed.


  1. I am glad you were able to solve the dispenser issue working with your mom. Your mom has memory issues but, what is the assistant lady's excuse? If it's not her fault, probably it is a system problem which should have been solved by now. Sigh... Sending you good vibes!

    1. I don't know what the assistant lady's excuse was! When I closed out that savings/money market account last year, I also discussed with her at the same time where her distribution would then go, because it had been depositing into that the past 2 years. She told me it would go to her checking, so I assumed it was all taken care of.

    2. That woman could be in the beginning of having memory problems. It happens.

  2. I wonder if your mom will "miss" having her morning pills.
    What's with the investment lady?
    Complicating an should be simple process. Geez

    1. I'm wondering if she will too. We'll see! I don't know what that investment assistant was thinking. Why would i want a big check mailed..to possibly get lost, etc.
