Friday, April 8, 2022

I hate it when I'm right

Yep, I called it on mom's medication situation. While she dispensed the pills when I was on the phone with her Wednesday at 6:10pm (this was the first day I changed her schedule to all pills at same time, so I had called to make sure she understood why 5 pills were going to dispense instead of 1) SHE DID NOT TAKE THEM! When we were getting off the phone I said ok, don't forget to take them now and she said they are right in my hand, I'll take them as soon as I hang up.

Then last night right after 6:10pm she calls and says did you just try to call me? She did this same thing on Tuesday, I remembered. No, mom, it must be your medication dispenser that you are hearing chime, it's time to take your medication. Of course we went through the whole conversation again as to that she's taking all her pills in the evening now, instead of just one. She again tried to say "wouldn't morning be better?" I said no, I've been trying to make sure you get you morning pills for 2 weeks now and that isn't working because your schedule is always different when you are downstairs. You are hardly ever in your apartment in the morning, when it's time to take them, and I have to keep trying to call you all morning.

She dispenses them into the cup and then says, I thought I already just did this - there's another cup here with 5 pills in it............. I said oh shoot! then you didn't take last night's pills after we got off the phone. (there is no way should could have dispensed twice on same day) So, I got her to take one set of the 5 pills while on the phone with me and then I told her to put the extra cup of pills in her drawer and I will take care of them on Saturday. Of course confused why I would want her to put them in a drawer and should she cover them up. I said so they don't get mixed up when you have to take your pills tomorrow. Then she says I just need to make a big sign to remind me. do that, LOL.

So now I'm apparently dealing with her dispensing them, but not actually taking them and also now thinking when the machine chimes (and lights up) that it's time for her medication she thinks her phone is ringing. I guess at this point I'm going to have to be on the phone with her each evening at 6:10 and make sure she actually takes them before we hang up. Well, I guess that's better than having to do that 2 times a day! I guess I should be happy it's still plugged in, right?

It's too bad the machine wasn't designed to chime and then have audio that says "it's time to take your medication", because she's apparently at the point now where the chiming doesn't register with her what it's for. I do see in the manual that the volume can be upped (I think I have it set fairly low because she has good hearing and her apartment is small) and also the display that lights up when it's chiming can be adjusted to be brighter. I'll have to check that and see if I can set it brighter, might catch her eye more and realize that is making the noise, not her phone.

TGIF! and totally not what I had planned to blog about today, haha.


  1. Replies
    1. oh boy is right ;) I hope I'm not destined for this dementia.

  2. Oh my, I'm so sorry, I don't know what to say!

    1. I'm not sure what to say/think much either! I didn't sleep very good from it - and then had a goofy dream last night (well, maybe not goofy haha) that I walked into her apartment with my dd and she had EVERYTHING unplugged and pulled to the middle of the room.

  3. Oh! It is so hard to figure out what she can remember and what she can't, right? It is amazing how the brain works. May be if you make sure she takes them all at 6 p.m. while on the phone with you for a while, she will get into the new habit. Well, try to enjoy your weekend and relax.

    1. that's what I'm going to try for now and see if that works. I think it will and typically she is always in her apartment at that time, so I won't be having to keep trying to call her.

  4. The med machine bought you a few months. You need to reconsider her living arrangements now. I'm one of the many who have been in your situation with an aging parent.

    1. Yes, we've had the med machine for about 6 months now and it's been (if she doesn't unplug it) a huge improvement over just having a pill box.

  5. One thing you can do is watch what innocuous meds you take now. I fear alzheimer's because my grandmother had it.

    1. I really think it was either from her years of taking Paxil(paroxetine) and/or how every many years she was taking the Advil/Tylenol PM type meds regularly. Especially those ones.

    2. The benadryl is in the "PM" medicines she was taking regularly.
