Friday, April 22, 2022

No work today

I received my state tax refund in my checking yesterday. 6 days! I was expecting a lot longer, LOL. 

There's no inflation..........ya, ok. This morning I just ordered a bag of chicken feed to pick up when I'm in the city today. It's gone up 27% in price since my last purchase. While I spend $5 per gallon of gas to get there. One of these days, when I have extra time I'm going to look at one of my grocery orders from a year ago and see what the prices are now. It's all just insane.

My plan today is to leave a little before 10 this morning. First stop is where the lady works who bought our car, to drop off the manual. Her office is just a block or so off the freeway exit. Then back down that same street to the feed store and get the chicken feed. Then to the bank to deposit the cash. Then to mom's. I will most likely do a load of laundry. Then when I get it into the dryer it should be about lunch time and plan to take her out for something quick and if she needs anything we can stop at Walgreens. Usually she just needs cookies. It's easier to go there then Target or grocery store. She is about the slowest walker in the world, LOL (even though she has no mobility issues). A large parking lot and a large store takes forever to get through with her. After I leave her place I'll stop and pick up my grocery order.

Hopefully I can get the little camera set up. I tested it out in my office. Works fine, but does seem like it will need to be tilted downward facing just a bit, if it's set up high on a cabinet. At least from my home, was able to download the app, set up the account, get the camera synced to the module. Now, when I get it to her place I just have to go through the steps I wrote down to change it to her wifi system.

For some reason dh thought he was going with me today. No....I'm going to spend a couple hours with my mom, laundry etc. He just wants to drive the new car, LOL.


  1. I am waiting to see what she can do to foil the camera. It is funny your husband was going to go with you so he could drive.

    1. I'm hoping she doesn't even notice it's there. The camera is small (she's short LOL) and will be up up on top of her kitchen cabinet. The plug in part will be hidden behind her desk. Keeping fingers crossed!

  2. The camera is a great idea. Hopefully she will ignore its existence.
    You have a full day.
    Of course your hubs wants to drive!! lolol He can just have a big bowl of jelly instead. :)

    1. I'm pretty sure she's not even going to realize it's there up on top of her kitchen cabinet. (thankfully!)
