Friday, April 19, 2019

Let's go grocery shopping

The stair railing is finally getting done. They think they will be able to finish it today. They were still here working when I got done working yesterday, so since it was sunny and 70 and I was tired of listening to the puppy bark/whine/and try to howl, I went outside and let her out of her little crate and played with her until they were done. She couldn't have been any cuter, but like grandkids, then I got to send her home, haha.

DH and I ran into town mid day to get some stain for the staircase posts (they were supposed to have brought them stained, since painter lady isn't here anymore). Thankfully the tiny hardware store actually had what we needed (I called first). And since it's a small town our retired friend, that usually stops to visit us often, saw us pulling into the store and followed us in, to chat. He said "I was going to stop by last Sunday but didn't see your car, so thought you weren't home". We had parked in the garage and said we were wondering where you were, since you always stop by every other Sunday! LOL.

They actually worked until 5 yesterday. Then DH and I did a little quick clean up of sawdust with the shopvac and had dinner. DH decided to go over to that wood working guy's place (that had come over the day before about the table) because he wanted to also talk to him about building our daughter a hope chest, as a wedding gift. I said see you in a few hours (cuz that guy can talk....and dh loves to talk too)!  I was going to take a nap! Shortly after he left the phone rang around 6pm and it was a delivery guy wanting to deliver the refrigerator. He said he was about a half hour away. I called DH and said he needed to come back home (he was less than 10 minutes away) because the guy was definitely going to need help pulling his 35' semi trailer in.

and of course the guy shows up 10 minutes later and no DH yet. I called him again and said get home now. ok, on my way....which still took him like 15 minutes (because the guy he was visiting kept talking!). So, of course the dumb driver pulls up and says "I can't get in here". I'm like my dh will be home in a few minutes, he will guide you in. He used to drive trucks and he designed this driveway so a truck and trailer can get in and out. He didn't want to wait, so he's trying to pull in one of the driveways. I call DH again and say are you almost here?? geez- he's literally less than 5 miles away. He said to have the guy back in the shop driveway, so I tell the guy that and he said that's what he was trying to do. So, he gets where he can start backing up and the top corner of his trailer is about to hit the corner of our shop. I'm like stop! Where in the hell is DH?! Then the guy pulls forward and is trying to keep away from the shop, but the other side of the driveway isn't wide enough (or so he thinks) and he's saying I can't do this. Finally, Dh pulls in. Guides him right back up to the front door entry, no problem. Guy unloads it and puts in on a hand cart and brings it into our kitchen.

So, now I have a new fridge - that I can actually put a whole gallon of milk in and DH doesn't want to use it yet. Gah!


  1. That's great! You are absolutely getting there. I understand your DH. He wants to wait till you settle down. I would do the same. Lol!

    So, it seems like, you will be able to move in early May. I hope you post the pictures of your rustic bed and the bedding you bought. I know, I will love that.

    1. I still need to get bedding for the bear log bed...and a mattress set! It doesn't sound like the countertops (and that's if the new cabinet gets here) will be finished until first week of May. Then plumbing needs to get finished. then we can have them install carpeting..then we can move in!

  2. Replies
    1. it is! if the damaged cabinet (twice) hasn't been holding us up, we'd probably be in by now.

  3. I wondered what your dh used to do for a living. Since my dh does the same thing, they'd likely have a lot to talk about. Was yours ever OTR?

    So good to see progree with your house. It is getting so close to being finished!

    1. He did OTR when we we first married for a few years. Then worked local. Then moved into the construction industry.

    2. Interesting. My dh started in the construction industry (he ran heavy equipment) but when our economy tanked, he went OTR.

  4. Love the fridge. Sure hope the cabinets come soon.

    1. Thanks! it's a bit on the smaller size of fridges and not super expensive either, but it's just the two of us and this is the fridge I had in my house several years ago and really liked it. We don't need a water/ice dispenser because DH likes to drink bottled water that he can pour those crystal light tea packets into. And I certainly don't need a tv or computer screen on my fridge. LOL.
