Wednesday, April 10, 2019

...and another bad cabinet

They brought our replacement lower cabinet out this morning. It's also cracked. We've waited 4 weeks to get another cracked cabinet! I told the cabinet lady we don't have another month to wait on a replacement. She had told us 7-10 days on this one and it's been 4 weeks. She then said "well, it takes 7-10 for expedited production and 4-5 days to ship. We've had the cabinet, we just haven't had time until today to get it installed." OMG. I said our scheduled granite date is in two weeks. So, if the cabinet isn't installed we're going to lose our spot for that and be delayed again.

What really ticks me off is she's had the cabinet for 2 weeks. If they would have made it a priority to get it out here and installed as soon as they got it we would have known 2 weeks ago it was also damaged and could have had the new one here by now (or close to it). SOOOO Frustrating. It's not like we went with cheap cabinets, either. And the crack is where they bolt the door hinges to, so not something we want to accept, of course.

We used this cabinet store because that is who our friends used to build their house and also, the building supply place guy said he would recommend her over their cabinets. I just googled the mfg and there are a bunch of reviews on Houzz for this company. Same issues - broken cabinets replaced by broken cabinets. Great. You'd think for this price they'd sure be good quality. And why would they even send out a cabinet that was cracked in the first place?! Ever heard of quality control?

Oh, and I was right (and cabinet lady wrong) about the kitchen sink cabinets getting cut for "over" mount sink. So, they are fixing that now, too. They will have to cut out a bit more of the front of the cabinet to lower the sink, so the top of sink is level with cabinets and then the granite will go on top of sink edge. I'm glad I caught that.

Framer guys still haven't showed up this week to install our stair railing. The pouring rain (all day, every day) is keeping the mason guy, to do our outside stone work, away.  DH was probably right when a month or so ago, he said it will probably be June before we get into our house.

I just walked to our  mailbox to leave something to be mailed.......a poop sample....test kit compliments of my doctor from my appointment recently. It was either that or have a colonoscopy. Guess I'll do the yearly poop sample. LOL. Isn't getting old so much fun?  I still have to get in and get my mammogram, too. Another fun procedure.

I've checked my mom's emails the past couple of mornings (it's earlier her time, plus she doesn't even get up until like 8:30 her time) and she hasn't really had that much spam at all. I think when she notices it the most is on weekends she goes to stay with her boyfriend. She'll go down on Thurs or Fri and come home Sun or Monday and hasn't checked her emails in all that time. But, I think I will keep deleting ones that might temp her to open or cause her confusion (like her account being deactivated). She has never ever understood how Facebook works, even though every time we are with her we explain it. She always asks how to get rid of all these posts after she's seen them. She's somehow set up to get email notifications if someone posts. It's one of those "no reply" email addresses. I see in her sent mail she sometimes replies to it, thinking she is sending her facebook friend a message. She still cannot figure out how to comment on someone's post.  I keep saying just click on "comment" or start typing in the box below the post where is says "write a comment". But, she asks, how do I enter it? Just hit enter. Where is enter? On your keyboard....

She will be 78 next month. I imagine another couple of years and she will need to go to assisted living, like her boyfriend lives in. She will love it though, as she loves to talk to people and would enjoy all the activities. I asked her before if she'd like to go to where here BF is and she said not really, LOL. She'd like to stay in her area (he lives about 30 minutes from her). Not sure why it would really matter that she stays in her area, as by that point she probably won't be driving anyway. I guess just the familiarity of feeling like you are still in your own area.

UPDATE: well, at least this brightened my day. The cabinet guys, left the copper sink in so I could see what it looks like. I love it. Though it doesn't quite stand out against the similar cabinet color as much as I had in my mind, I think once the lighter granite gets installed, it will help it stand out a bit more.


  1. Wow I like that sink! Lovely! And it's funny you should mention "poop samples" because I met an old friend for a drink tonight and she said she just got her first "call up" for a colonoscopy and is NOT looking forward to it. I asked if she couldn't do a poop sample instead so she is going to look into it. And don't laugh, but when I lived in D.C. I made friends with a young woman who had worked as a receptionist at a clinic and one poor woman went to hand over her poop sample, tripped and fell and splattered the damn thing all over the place. She was (obviously) mortified!

    1. My dr said either I had to have a colonoscopy sometime before I'm 60 or do this sample text every year. It was normal last year, so hoping for same this time.

  2. That is one very nice sink. I love it!!

  3. I love the sink! so many more medical tests to have once we're over 50, there always seems to be something...

    1. thanks! I guess we should be happy they can now detect stuff early and we can stay healthier longer :)

  4. The sink is very pretty. I am so sorry about the cabinets (again!?!)

    1. yes, again! you'd think they would look at the cabinet before they ship it'd think the cabinet lady would look at the cabinet when she got it(2 weeks ago) she'd look at it before sending it out with the installers.

  5. That sink is GORGEOUS. As for cabinet companies, I worked for one in the past, and my biggest complaint was the damaged product that my customers got randomly. Keep pushing on her...the squeaky wheel and all that. (Are you being nice at this point? Don't. Ha! )

    1. I was barely nice yesterday on the phone with her. Especially after she told me she'd had the cabinet for 2 weeks! thank you, I love the sink too.
