Monday, April 22, 2019

Easing back into the week

It's kind of a busy/noisy day here. We're supposed to have 4 subs here....mason, framer (to finish staircase railing), rock movers, and plumber. So, far the framer and heavy equipment/rock mover guy is here.  Then the fireplace lady called and they are coming later this morning to put on the final trim piece and hook up the gas and show us how it works. They didn't want to do this part, until all the trim work was done and no dust everywhere.

I got an email Friday afternoon from the cabinet lady that the cabinet isn't even supposed to ship until week of 4/29 now. What happened to 7-10 days production plus 4-5 days delivery...putting it HERE at the end of this week? I just sent her an email earlier this morning, asking that very question and then said how about, since this is the 3rd try to get this cabinet right, the factory ship this overnight so it is here in time for our countertop scheduled time? I also asked what is going on with the upper cabinets that had to be replaced (wrong size) has been almost 6 weeks for those? Longer than they took to make and get there the first time? The way the granite people explained to us, is they come in (the 24th is when they scheduled us) and template it all. Then come back in 5 days, to do the installation. I asked the cabinet lady to emphasize with them that they could still come in on Wednesday and do their templates and when the come back the next mid week (as I'm assuming they meant 5 business days) the cabinet will be here, or they could start on bathrooms and laundry and do kitchen last.

Our neighbors now have their son's 2 dogs until July. They did bring bark collars. But, neighbor guy is out of town on business this week (usually he works from home) so no one home all day, this week. They all only barked a little bit, when the backhoe got delivered. Then I got an email from neighbor lady, telling us she hopes they don't bark all day (she's at work) and their oldest dog, for some reason, is now having trouble getting back thru the doggy door, so if we see her outside all day, could we go open the door for her to get back in? of course! That is my favorite of their dogs, LOL. I can't have my girlfriend stuck outside, haha. But, it's a nice sunny day, so it's not hurting her to be out there for awhile. That's what she usually does anyway. She just likes to sit and watch all the goings on. She's an old girl, like 11 and getting up there in age.

My boss is back working, from home this week, and then will be back in the office next week. Glad she is back. I only had to sign 2 contracts while she was out, LOL.

We decided to use our tree lumber to have the farmhouse dining table made. The guy came and picked up the lumber from us yesterday. We sure do like him. I think DH has made a new friend, in him, already. He also said, if it cracks too much, then down the road, we can always add some more urethane in the cracks and I said that is what I was thinking, too. We are also going to use our live edge slabs for our kitchen bar countertop and then have him burn in some "scene" in the top. Not sure what yet, but I think it's sure going to end up one of a kind, when it's done. Just some kind of wild life scene....deer/elk, etc.

We've kind of realized, that for the most part, the people we meet, who are the nicest, are also transplants, LOL. This woodworker guy has lived here about 4 years, from another state. There are a few long time locals who are super nice, but many just don't like the "outsiders". But, we haven't met anyone, who is an "outsider", who hasn't been super friendly. Everyone who has moved here, from other places, really seems to appreciate living here. The people that have lived here their whole lives, not so much.


  1. First the painting lady, now the cabinet lady... Sigh... Can't they expedite this cabinet as a way of apology to you? Can't someone authorize priority? This just blows my mind. Hang in there...

    1. boy, you'd think they could ship it expedited after two bad cabinets!

  2. Having been an "outsider" most of my life I guess I'm thick-skinned because I have never felt unwelcome wherever I have been. Sometimes it pays to be thick skinned I guess. Oh and I love your new fireplace - your home is getting really exciting now! Can't wait to see the new pix.

    1. with those that have lived here a long time, DH has learned that when they ask "where are you from" that he first needs to say "well, I grew up in this area...." haha. When I visited with the guy that bought our previous house, he commented "the locals are kind of cynical, aren't they?".
