Friday, April 26, 2019

Friday follies

Now the mason guy is pulling the same no show crap everyone else does. He's been saying for 3 weeks now he's coming. Somehow this week he blamed it on rain here whatsoever this week. In fact, it's been nice and warm. Mid 70's yesterday.

DH did the little side yard rock steps between us and neighbors yesterday. I see neighbor guy got home last night from his work trip all week. Hopefully now, their 5 dogs (their 3, plus their son's 2 dogs) will be quieter. They weren't as bad as we thought they'd be, but did have a few instances where they were on a barking binge. Mostly their youngest dog was out of sorts. He doesn't like his human dad being gone and he's out of sorts with the boarding dogs there.

Today is my half work Friday. Just got payroll submitted, so that is out of the way.  Now I need to get our AmEx statement all posted to our accounting program. One of my least favorite tasks, LOL.  There is a way to import it in, but I tried it years ago and it was more hassle to me than it helped, it seemed.

DD just found out this morning that she has to go out of town on a business trip on Monday thru Thursday. Talk about short notice! That sure would be hard to deal with (in my opinion) if she had kids. Plus, she was never told about all this travel, when she was interviewed/hired. I know she doesn't mind it too much now, that she's young, but I don't see her wanting a job, long term, where she has to travel so often. She wasn't supposed to have to go back there until the end of June. Due to the distance, it takes almost a full work day just to fly there. And another full word day to get back home.

DH has been working on getting the dishwasher installed. The plumbers left this thin line of tubing from under the sink area through the cabinet holes to the dishwasher area. DH couldn't figure out what it could be for. He called the plumber to was so you could tape the cords and plumbing tubes to and feed back through, haha. Smart. As our Ukranian plumber likes to say "it's a beautiful thing". LOL. DH get's it all fed through and the power cord is literally an inch too short to reach the outlet! I looked online at Lowes and Home Depot to see if they carried longer cords. Not in store. Was trying to find one to ship overnight via Amazon...then DH says give our little town hardware store a try. They only had 6ft, too. So then I called the lumber store. They had an 8ft one! Who'd a thunk it? LOL. They saved the day, again.

One of DH's friends (the one who says he's moving here at some point) called and said he's pretty sure another of their friends is on drugs. I find that hard to believe. This particular friend is younger then them (later 30's I think), has a wife, young kids, and his own business. I asked DH what made him think that. He said that friend was over at his shop and kept slurring his words. He said he snuck a sniff of his soda can to see if there was alcohol in it and there wasn't. Plus he said he's always been suspicous of an event a few years ago where friend supposedly just stopped breathing for no reason and had to be resuscitated. According to him and his wife they never figured out why.....Well, I sincerely hope this guy is not on drugs. That would be beyond sad for his lovely family. But, nothing surprises me anymore, these days. One of our family friends is now divorced (3 kids) because her dh got hooked on drugs the past few years. She's a smart gal, has a masters degree and a really good job. What an ordeal she went through, but she's doing better now and moving on with her life.

No weekend plans. The weather is turning kind of gray and colder for the next several days. Guess we'll just be hanging out in the shop or something.


  1. Good grief. All these final tasks sure seem to be taking a long time. We had a few snow flurries today. Likely my own fault since I removed our driveway markers. Lol

    1. Your snow seems never ending! We've got a bit left way up top of mountains, but its gone down below now. Starting to turn green and seeing some of the wild yellow spring flowers popping up.

    2. Crazy, huh? We got our first snow in Oct. I'm tired of seeing it! Supposed to get another inch or so today. Winters are long in my area.

  2. I really hope your husband is wrong about your friend. There is so much to lose and drugs are just not worth it!

    1. DH finds it a bit hard to believe too, it was another friend who thinks it, based on what he saw the other evening. Hope he is wrong!

  3. It's always something, isn't it? Hope you had a good weekend and hope things go smoothly, next week!
