Thursday, April 18, 2019

I feel like howling, too

Well, the framer showed up this morning to do the staircase railing. (yay). But he brought a little hound dog puppy with him. I could (almost) see doing that if he was doing outside work, but not when he's working inside the house and can't see her/be with her. She is not liking being kept in the back of his little open, 2ft sided trailer he brought, so of course it's been non-stop barking and howling....nice way to spend my day trying to work....then, of course she was able to jump out over the short trailer wall and of course went straight to the front door and started scratching at the door and side windows. I am just so sick of all of them.

and speaking of dogs - while I neighbors got their dogs all straightened out with the barking, they now are getting their sons 2 dogs (again) until July. Neighbor said they will have bark collars, but they will probably have to put the collars back on their 3 dogs until they all settle down.

We met quite the character yesterday! The day before DH had seen this farmhouse table advertised, that a guy makes and sells. $375. Seems like a great price. While he was looking at this on his phone a friend of his called and said what are you up to? He told him he's looking at a farmhouse table ad, so he doesn't have to try and make one! Friend said there is a local guy that makes stuff like that, I'll give him your number. He called yesterday and then came over. We had wanted him to take a look at the lumber we have (from our trees cut) and see if that could be used to make a table.

Omg! This guy was something else. I think he was here like 3 hours, non-stop talking. I don't even know how to describe him. LOL. Early 70's, gun toting, "keep off my property" kind of guy...but funny. He's divorced from his wife, but she and her disabled son are living with him right now, while he's building them a house next door to his house and they will live there.

Since the lumber we have wasn't kiln dried he explained that the boards will likely crack in places (as our fireplace mantle has done, but we wanted that really rustic, so it's ok), so he just wanted us to know that, in case that isn't a look we would eventually want. Otherwise, he could use different wood that he supplies. So, now we aren't sure what we want to do. We really wanted to use the lumber from these trees for a few things around here, but I guess the question is exactly how "rustic" I want my dining table to be! I think I'm just so tired of making decisions that I don't even know. We also have 2 big slabs that we want to use on our kitchen bar counter top. That will crack too. But, we really want to use that wood, as it has live edge on it and will just live with the I guess I could live with cracks on my dining table, too. If I eventually just don't like it, several years down the road, we'll just have to get a new table, I guess. It's not like we are entertaining people and need this perfect table. I'm tired of making decisions.

Here's the table the other guy is selling for $375
Except, it's a bit shorter than I really wanted, so if we had him make us one, I'd go a bit longer, so that 3 chairs fit comfortably on each side.

And the guys coming to do the ground work to prep for the concrete slabs in front of garage and shop put us off another day. Now they aren't coming until Monday. Next week will be 6 weeks since the cabinets got started installing and still not done.


  1. Go for it! A table made from your own trees will be very special. And, like you said, you can always get another table.

  2. Poor puppy and poor you! Wishing you tons of patience till this is over and you settle down..

    1. it's the cutest little hound dog puppy. He put her in her crate, so she's calmed down, thankfully.

  3. At least the painter lady isn't there!!!lol. I think you should get the table made from your wood. That would be very special.

    1. ya, I'll take an adorable little barking/howling hound dog puppy any day over painter lady! I'm leaning toward using our wood for the table, too. Cracks and all.

  4. Honestly, contractors are just the worst. Your life will be so peaceful once they're gone. Hang in there.

    Cool table, and I agree that using your trees would be great. Some of the flooring in our home is from the trees that sat on this property before the previous owners built it.

    1. I was listening to something about the pearly gates in heaven (I can't recall what it was now, I think it was Jim Gaffigan comedy special) but the guy was like "you need a gate for heaven?!" and the reply was "ya, we had to go to hell to get a contractor and everything!" LOL

  5. I like dogs but I have to admit I'm getting sick to death of picking up dog dump from both my front and back gardens. I had a dog many moons ago and did not let it roam free like some people do!!!! Aaarrgh. Oh and I love that table too. Very much my taste!

    1. We don't let our dogs roam either. If we don't buy that specific table, hopefully the one made from our trees lumber will look similar.

  6. The table sounds lovely. I love the idea of a home grown table.

    1. we really do too, but since he said it will most likely crack in places, not sure I want cracks on the table top...but that might make it even more "character". I don't know.

  7. I wouldn't have the patience to deal with those workers. I would have called the contractor a long time ago saying "The workers need to show up alone - no kids! No animals! Just come & do the work!" Doesn't seem like too much to ask. In our area of the country (mid-west) we have the Amish, who are amazing builders - they are the most conscientious, respectful, prompt builders you could have build you a home.

    1. I know - we are too nice! We have quite a few Menonnites in our area. They built our previous neighbors pole barn shop in like 3 days. Worked 12 hour days.
