Thursday, April 25, 2019


I'm still working M-Turks. While I used to have a goal of $3 per day, I've kind of changed it the last couple of weeks, as I've figured out a couple of things lately, with using it. First is, I rarely do it on weekends, which throws off my "daily" goal. I've realized that if I leave the website tab open all day, and check back often, I find many more hits to do. Most come up for very short periods of time and you need to grab them fast while they are there. If I only try to do it during my lunch break, sometimes I only find a couple to do....or none. I've also just realized I can accept more than one at a time and they will go into a "hits queue", where typically you have about an hour to get to and complete them. That way you can grab more than one hit, while it's still available.

With checking back often and putting them in my queue (when I can, it's not always that there are more than one I find available to do), I am finding that Monday-Friday I can usually get $5 a day, sometimes a bit more. So, that is my new goal. $5 a day, Mon-Fri. That puts me at about $100 a month. I'm hoping I can get this to be routine and then eventually work it up to more $ per day. I just went over 1000 hits (I've been doing this about a year and a half, now). One of these days, when I have more time, I'm going to try to figure out how to do batch hits and see if that will help increase my daily total. I think once we get moved and settled into the house, and I have my own office, and not sharing a desk with DH, I'll be able to maybe add a little bit on the weekends, too.

Another helpful thing I have found is an "add-on" called MTurk Suite. It marks ones I've already done or opened to look at. It also rates them with color codes and quite often will show the hourly rate of pay it equates to, which I find helpful in deciding if it's worth it or not. It also gives me my daily total up on top, so that has been really helpful in reaching my daily goal, rather than trying to go back into my dashboard and have to keep adding up my hits done for the day. Saves time.

Does anyone else do these from a phone or tablet? I always use my desktop, but maybe I can log in via my ipad mini, while I'm sitting watching tv in the evenings and find a survey or two do to. The other thing I am trying to figure out is what the column "hits" with the number listed means. Sometimes it's 1, sometimes it's another number. What's it mean when it's a higher number?


  1. Not even sure what that is, but it sounds like you are doing well at it!

    1. it's an Amazon deal where you can do "work" like surveys or transcription to earn a little extra cash. It takes some getting used to and I'm doing maybe $50-$75 a month, so far, just doing surveys. You can transfer the money to your Amazon account as a credit or have it deposited directly to your bank account.

  2. I dont have a laptop, I do mine on a ten inch Samsung tablet with attached keyboard case, so for me it's like a mini laptop
    There are some hits I get disqualified for because of this but not many.

  3. Oh. And if you are asking what a think you are, many of the non survey hits are in batches so you can accept and do three or four things. I only do surveys tho.

    1. I think I might have figured out. There was one I just did that had like 700 in the hit column. I clicked on "auto accept next hit" and was able to do about 5 hits, for .50 each, before I decided to stop (I reached my $5 daily goal). I'll have to keep an eye out for more like that. I was a quick way to keep earning.

  4. Never heard of it, but I’m going to look it up now. I like Field Agent. It’s in the App Store

    1. I've never heard of Field Agent. Will check out!

    2. Ah, that one won't work for me. I'm 45 miles from nearest stores, so I don't get into the city too often. We try to get our shopping done twice a month.

  5. I need to get back to doing these. I completely fell off the wagon. Good tip on the MTurk suite.

    1. it's easy to fall off the wagon. I get discouraged when I'm not getting any to do.

  6. Another thing to add to look for-after I get through my daughters grad party.
