Friday, April 13, 2018

Where's my money??!!

Last week I changed my paycheck direct deposit to go to my new bank account. Today is money in my new bank account!! I gotta figure out what's going on there. From my payroll login in it looks like the right routing and account number were entered. I can see the whole routing number and that is correct. I can see the last 4 digits of my account  number and those are right. I checked with my DD to see if her paycheck direct deposit shows up in her bank account the morning of payday and she said yes, usually sometime during the night before and I said yes, that's how mine has always been with my old bank. I really don't need this aggravation today.
After our builder replied to DH that he should be out to start on Friday, DH sent a text back that while he (dh) knows he is an over-communicator, he does at least expect a minimum of communication back as to what is going on with our build.  Builder called DH yesterday afternoon and said they are loading their truck and will be out this morning to get started. Then he says "is there power out there yet?". he were out doing the staking last week DH asked him about this and he told him he didn't need the power out their until he was done framing. OMG! make up your mind. Obviously he has generator to bring and use. DH is out there now (8am) and he's not even there yet.

This afternoon we will be running back to the city (I have a feeling lots of trips are on tap) to pick up the electrical meter panel, as well as some of the water line supplies we need for DH to make his hydrants. That is something he can make here at home.

My face is clearing up. Just a little bit left on one cheek. Hopefully it won't come back.


  1. While my direct deposits do show up on payday, it's typically after about 9 a.m. It's just the way my credit union does things.

    1. I am hoping this is the case! This is a smaller local bank, so could be 9am. Thanks for commenting, I appreciate the info.

    2. You are correct - it's 9am for this bank.

    3. I'm glad your check showed up. Hubs has direct deposit and I've seen it post as early as 6 AM.

    4. with my previous bank it always showed up sometime during the middle of the night before.

  2. Ugh, no paycheck is a pain! It looks like your husband might have to force this build through! I really hate to have to keep dragging people through on their responsibilities. Are you buying those faucets that are tall and stick out of the ground? The lines are buried. If you use PEX for the water lines, you will never have a frozen pipe burst. This can be used for all your water lines.

    1. yes, it's those tall kind of faucets that have a pump handle on end. I'm sure, since we are frozen half the year here, they have planned for that. I know water lines have to be dug extra deep in this part of the country.

  3. Someone else I read didn't get paid on time today. Friday the 13th strikes again...lolz

    1. I was just super nervous about it since it was my first direct deposit to this acct. As long as I kow the schedule I can deal with it LOL

  4. Fortunately Friday the 13th wasn't bad. Payday happened as it was supposed to.

    1. DH reminded me first thing yesterday it was Friday the 13th, which I'm not superstitious about, until I saw no money LOL

  5. it should be there when people wake up :)
