Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Upcoming visit

DD and her DF are going to come for a weekend visit the weekend after next. Yay! We haven't seen them since Christmas. They are taking Friday off work, leaving super early in the morning to drive here so should be here by noon and able to stay until noon Sunday. It will be a quick visit, but I'll take it.

The weather has turned so nice. 73 today and 77 tomorrow. I'll take that too! Friday is supposed to be 82 - and I have the day off.  I was also going to take next Monday off, but since DD is coming the next Friday I'm going to switch days and take that day off, instead. Making for some nice 4 day work weeks, too.

I've started watching Grace and Frankie on Netflix. Cute and funny. I am enjoying it. Probably because I am old now, LOL. I think I only have a week or two left on my Netflix subscription being paid for with the giftcard my DD gave me for my birthday. I will probably cancel again and not pay for the service for now. I need to find a new book to read. Everything I want to read is "on hold" and not my turn yet.

I'm feeling less pressure this week from work. I got the 1st quarter done last week, so no big rushes going on - and my boss has been off the last 2 days, so less emails to deal with.

I guess FIL is feeling a bit better, so of course, they and SIL just go back "to normal" in dealing with it...until another week or two goes by and something else happens again. At some point it will be something serious enough that they don't have the choice any longer and have to make the changes. It's kind of too bad they can't be more proactive and make some adjustments now.


  1. Somehow, if you all could make it all look like it is out of your hands and someone else is making these hard decisions, they might accept it better. sigh

    1. it's a tough situation, to be sure. My mom will most likely enjoy assisted living place - she'll eat up all the social life she'll get from it.

  2. I know you are looking forward to your daughter's visit. Enjoy it. I really did like watching Grace and Frankie too.

    1. I wish she could stay another day or two, but it will be nice to have her here. I just started season 3 of Grace and Frankie.

  3. I am so jealous of your hreat weather! Wet and soggy here in central Indiana

    1. it's kinda like a switch got flipped here. Ok, now it's spring. LOL

  4. I binge-watched Grace and Frankie. Lol Guess that makes me old, too. Lol

    1. I haven't been able to binge watch, but I'm getting a few in when I can.
