Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday this and that

A friend of DH's called the other night, with exciting news that they have listed their home for sale and will be getting out of that $%#*hole neighborhood area we used to live in. They don't have it quite as bad as we did - at least in the sense that they do not have direct neighbors who are dealing drugs, as we did. They have some nearby, and their street/neighborhood is filled with the traffic/homeless, etc, but not right in their face. They live in the next neighborhood over from where we used to live and we met them, as he was trying to fight the drug issue, too. He and DH became fast friends. They have 5 acres, and are willing to wait it out a bit to sell, so they are listing their property only, to developers, rather than trying to sell as the home, with land. If nothing pans out with a developer grabbing it, then I know they will have no problem selling as the home on 5 acres (they just won't get near as much as money).  Their plan is to move to Tennessee, live in a more rural area, on some acreage, and with their horses. He doesn't work due to disability and I'm not sure what his wife's work plan is - probably remotely, like I do. They also foster their 6 year old niece. I'm not sure how that all works if they want to move out of state and take her.

We've had quite a few friends leave our old area in the past few years. It's been interesting to see where everyone has chosen to go. We've had one friend couple retire and move to the big island of Hawaii! Another went to Idaho. One to Texas. We have another friend, (single guy) who's plan it is to move to our area, at some point. Just about all of them cite the extreme liberalism, crime and drugs, and decline in living, as their reason for leaving.

I just finished next month's book for book club. Finally, a book I really liked! It's called Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly. Definitely a book I would recommend. I had to reserve the e-book thru my library and it finally was available, so I had to read it while I could get it.

I started tracking my groceries/misc/pet costs mid January, because I thought I was going way over my budget amount of $650 month.  The next 30 days were better, but still over $23. Since March 15th, I've spent $586 and I have one more week, before I get paid on the 13th. I went to the store yesterday for a few things, spent $21 and am hoping that is all I need to spend for the next week, and then my 30 day tracking will be up. Then I will have actually came in under budget $64. So, all in all, my budget of $650 a month is pretty close to what we are averaging. This is all our food, cleaning, health/beauty, pet food/snacks/supplies, medicines and fast food (I didn't include the nice dinner out we did in March - that is "entertainment" for us).  Quite awhile ago we stopped going to Walmart for all our shopping and started going to a grocery store. It just wasn't so "huge" to shop around in the regular grocery store and not so crowded either. Well, I told DH the other day we really should be going to Walmart again - even if the only thing I do is run in there and get our steaks! I usually buy packs with 2 thin rib eye steaks. They are double the price for same thing at the grocery store! I usually buy 3 packs (3 steak dinners per month) and I ran into Walmart last time and just doing that saved $30 on meat!

Our new phone system at work is going pretty well. Starting to figure it out. The calls are coming thru my cell phone, but there's a delay from when I answer and say hello, to the caller hearing me. I usually have to say "hello, this is....." twice before they hear me. Then I got a call today that I needed to transfer to another employee. I was not able to do that from my cell phone before this new system. BUT, I couldn't remember how to do it. It was my first call needing that. I had the telephone system screen open on my computer and could see the "call" I was on and I just clicked on it and drug it to the coworker's name. Her phone rang, she answered (and she can tell it's me) and I said "hey...I have a call for you!". It worked. LOL. Technology!

So, back many weeks, when I started my tax return, just to get all the basic numbers entered and kind of a ballpark of what I would owe....I thought I tentatively owed around $1000.........oh no. Apparently I did not enter my side job income! how in the world I didn't get that number in there, I have no idea. I got my few expense write off's related to the self employment income listed, but not the income. Well, now I owe like $2000. GRRRR!!  I didn't need that unexpected surprise.

Like 2 inches of snow this morning! But it didn't stick on the roads, due to all the rain before it. Supposedly excavating starting today - guy said rain, snow or sun. He was supposed to start yesterday and be done with it today.



  1. I live in a very conservative area and our county is a haven for drugs.

    1. not saying the two go hand in hand. Just that the extreme liberalism of that area affects a lot of aspects of living there. Highest gas tax in nation. over 10% sales tax, sanctuary city/state. Just to name a few. Oh and if you want to buy a soda? it will cost you an extra $1.75 PER OUNCE to buy one.

    2. Edit: I meant to type 1.75 CENTS per ounce

  2. I need to check out the steak prices at Walmart. Currently, we get our Ribeye's at Aldi's.

    1. We don't have Aldi's in my area, but from what I've heard from other bloggers they have really good prices. A two pack of thin ribeye steak is like $22 at the grocery chain store. At Walmart it's like $12

  3. As one who myself is very conservative, I am a minority in my area. I'm sure you and I could talk. For the sake of leaving a comment though, it is probably best that I leave it at that! Lol

    Sounds like the tracking is giving you a good insight as to your expenses. Bummer on the additional taxes. :(

    1. it's been a nice change to move here, where conservatism is a bit more majority. The sentences they give drug dealers in this state are amazing. 10-20 years. Old state: a slap on the wrist, gun charges dropped, etc. Over and over for same people.

  4. Actually, Washington is not a high-tax state. It has high sales and excise taxes, but property taxes are moderate and there is no state income tax. According to WalletHub's "2017 Tax Burden by State", Washington ranks #33 out of 50. Texas is #34, Idaho is #39, Montana is #41 and Hawaii is #2.

    1. I'll take #41 over #33 any day :). Also, the % rate of property tax is a bit deceiving, to me. A crappy little house in /near Seattle cost $700,000. The same crappy little house cost $250k here. That's a big difference in dollars out of your pocket, even though the tax % rate is similar. A $5 case of soda costs an extra $5.54 in taxes in Seattle. Washington is also a bit deceiving because half of the state is rural on the East side, where sales taxes and property taxes are lower. The tri-county metro Seattle area is higher than the state average.

  5. Don't you feel sorry for the decent people who aren't able to get out when the place starts going to the dogs. My parents had a small inheritance in 1992 which allowed them to get out a rough (and getting rougher) area of Birmingham (UK) and move to the south coast. They were finally able to relax in their remaining years.

    1. I do feel sorry. I still somewhat follow a couple of the "neighborhood watch/crime" Facebook pages from where I used to live, as well as the sheriff's' dept page. I told my DH the other day that 90% of what they post about, my mom's house is smack dab in the middle of about a 2-3 mile radius of where it all takes place. I think most people just close their eyes to what is going on around them and don't even realize it is happening. My mom could move, she just chooses to act like it's not around her. My inlaws live nearby it all too, but they can't afford to get out. That is wonderful your parents were able to move to a more relaxing, safer area

    2. My daughters area where she lives (about 70 miles from where we used to live) isn't as bad. Her town passed a law recently banning loitering, so it's pretty much run out a good portion of the druggies. One of her town councilman is actually a young man she went to college with. He's like 24 years old and won his election and that was a law he put together and got passed.

  6. Can't have highest gas taxes where you live.....we get that "honor" here in PA.....58.2¢ per gallon. ;-)

    1. yep you're right. Eek! We're .315 here in MT. WA is .494...and they're trying to pass a law taxing on miles driven
