Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Frustrating Tuesday

The week is plodding along. DH got his friend to come out after he got off work yesterday and get a good portion of those stones we had picked up from other friends ranch.  He took about half of them and a bunch of the boards. DH was happy with getting that unloaded and he was able to bring his unloaded dump trailer back home and now it's available for using for other needs.

The last word we had from the builder was late Friday. DH had let him know the excavating got done and was ready for him. He said he got delayed a day on another job last week due to weather, so would be out to set forms on Tuesday, rather than Monday. Well, here it is the end of Tuesday and no word from him. All's he has to do is keep us informed. Doesn't seem like that should be so hard. His communication sucks. The people on lot 7 got excavated a couple days before us and they already have foundations poured and backfilled and other work started now. We had to wait for a week just to get out builder out here (his first time ever seeing our property!) to stake the foundations, so the excavator would know exactly where to dig out. It only took the excavator guy one full day to do it all and now we're waiting on builder to come out and set the footings so then he can have concrete poured. Where is he? who knows..............

For some reason my face keeps breaking out. Not really pimples, but like small red blotches on my cheeks. It will show up on one side, be gone the next day or so and then show up on the other cheek. Then go away and show up on the other cheek, but in a different spot. I have no idea what is causing this. Never had this before.


  1. I certainly hope the builder does not let you down like this too many times. I always give a person extra points for calling me to let me know about delays. Are you using new detergent, face product, shampoo?

    1. I agree, that's all we ask/expect is that he let us know if the plans change and when he will be doing what he said he'd do. I haven't changed anything that goes on my face, that I can think of.

  2. Contractors for any type of construction like this are hit and miss. Also, in my experience, men just are not good communicators. The red spots could be hives. I randomly get them on my arms (just red spots, not bumps or welts) my dr could never figure out the cause. It's called idiopathic urticaria, maybe you can ask your doctor about that possibility.

    1. I looked that up, but they are not itchy, which from what I read that type is, but the description of what they look like does. They are just red bumps in a little cluster on my cheek.

    2. Have you looked into rosacea? Are your cheeks reddish in color? Could also be a hormone imbalance. Ugh, contractors! That's why we do our best to do as much as we can ourselves. It's. It perfect but at least it gets done.

    3. it could be rosacea - seems very similar to what I just read on it. I guess if it keeps up, I'll have to go see my dr about it. The bank won't let DH be his own contractor (because they say too many don't finish/don't know what they are doing) but if DH were the contractor, it would be half finished by now! Frustrating. Thanks for commenting!
