Monday, April 9, 2018

Basketball fun

What a busy weekend. I'm still tired from it.  Saturday afternoon our friends were in town for a basketball tournament their son was playing in, so we decided that would be fun to watch. He had two games, one at 2:30 and then next one not until 6pm. I was a bit surprised they charged $5 per person to watch, LOL. It was at the grade school down the street, so we just walked over.  They were down by 20 points, but came back to win by a nail biter 3 point shot in the last 20 seconds of the game. Our friends son is HUGE. He's in 8th grade. 6'2" and I don't know how many pounds - at least 200. He's bigger than any adult male I saw at the games, LOL. Our friends have always acted like he's the next best thing to play football and basketball. They are counting on him getting a college scholarship. I'm sure not seeing it for basketball LOL. It will be interesting to see how he does in high school ball next year. He's so tall and big he could just stand under the net and probably block most of the shots, LOL. But he doesn't put his arms up. His dad kept telling him to, I heard his coach tell him to. He's been playing since 3rd grade, so not like he's new to this. The good part was when he was on offense and could (not very often) get the ball while he was right under the net he almost always drew the foul every time he'd try to lay it in and he is a good free throw shooter.

In between games we all came back to our house. Fixed boy a sandwich and then they all went out to see our property with DH. I stayed home and got my big dish of 4 cheese and bacon mac and cheese made up for dinner. I had made a chocolate cake earlier that morning, so then I got that frosted too. I figured that would save us all some money, rather than going to eat. We decided to wait and eat dinner after his second game, so dinner like at 7:30. They lost the second game, but still in the tournament to play on Sunday. Friends were supposed to bring a salad (at least that's what he told me in the text message) but didn't....if I would have known that I would have picked up a bagged salad when I went to the store.

BOY oh boy can those two kids eat! I would hate to have their food bill. The boy, I get - big growing teenager. The girl (16/almost 17) is very obese, which is sad, as friend worries about her future health. For dessert she had a piece of chocolate cake and a rootbeer float.  Boy had TWO pieces of chocolate cake and a rootbeer float. LOL.

The girl is always so disrespectful to her dad. DH even told her to knock it off at one point towards the end of the evening. She told her dad to shut up. DH said "don't say that. That bothers me and is very disrespectful to your dad". She started to defend herself and says well, he doesn't respect me". Then the mom jumps in and defends her and says "well, there is some history there". Well, there's your problem right there. I said "well, you are lucky to have your dad and not my DH as your dad, because you would have only done that once and only once in your life!". There is no way his wife should be allowing her daughter to treat anyone, let alone her dad like that. But she just tells her it's ok.

They had to come back Sunday for another game at 11:30am. They had to keep winning to keep playing. We went to that game too.........and another $5 each!  This just came out of our wallet cash, so not really part of my budget, once I get us cash, haha. I've had that $10 in my wallet for weeks and weeks. They lost by one point with 10 seconds left. The refereeing wasn't too great on that game. The ref kind of lost them that game with one very obvious missed foul and another called on them that wasn't. The opponent was 3 seconds in the key and a bunch of people in the stands were yelling it out and he was still there. He got like 10 seconds in the key. LOL, and ref never called it. Strange, because he was same ref the day before and did a good job. But they were fun games to watch. One kid on their team is super good and so fast. He was fun to watch play.

We then spent the afternoon out at our property. DH had to re-measure all the corners of the house, garage and shop as they all got torn our during excavating (even though he told him to at least leave a couple of pins for reference. What a PITA! Now trying stringing 200 feet of tape measure from front corner of property - over the top of a trailer (piled with rock) now in the way and a huge mound of excavated dirt in the way...and the wind blowing.  We were not having fun at all. And I had told him to leave the dogs at home. It would be too muddy, as it rained hard all Friday night. Nope, we had to bring them. Then our neighbor came outside to do some stuff (their dogs were good all day!) and somehow 3 of his 4 dogs got out and of course headed straight for our dogs and all the mud!

The highlight was one of the bald eagles flew very low right over us. What an amazing sight.

We stopped at a low spot in the river on the way home and dh literally threw them in the river (they wouldn't go all the way in, as they aren't used to swimming yet) and that got most of the mud off. We didn't get home until almost 6pm - all starving. But I had to get these dogs bathed first. Black dog jumped right in the bathtub, so he likes baths now. Yellow dog was more hesitant, but he finally got in. Then I had to make dinner. I was pooped and my stupid feet hurt. I have these rubber mud boots, but they are a bit big (I think they were dd's) and no support and walking around on rocks and mud for hours made my feet hurt. I think my head hit my pillow and 9pm and I was out.


  1. If that kid has not learned to keep him arms up by now, I think he is not that into basketball. When I was about 14, my mother asked me how I could eat so much. I had just finished off 7 tomato sandwiches. She told me I ate more than my father who worked hard jobs. By the time I was 17, I weighed a whopping 110 lbs and was 5'7.5". However, I would never had the chance to eat cake and a float. They would have been for two different nights or maybe weeks.

    The mother approving of her saying "shut up" to her father is terrible. There will be more trouble down the line. I told my father to shut up for the first and only time when I was about 28 and he was harassing my mother when she was ill. She said she was shocked I said that to him.

    1. I had made a chocolate cake and had ice cream, too, for our dessert. The kids had been drinking root beer earlier and said "hey, can we have a float with the ice cream?" Well, sure....and cake too LOL

  2. They are asking for a lot more trouble with that daughter by letting her get away with being so disrepectful. You handled it far better than I would have!

    1. DH just couldn't take it anymore and had to say something. If that was my kid she wouldn't have her car....her phone....her fancy nails..... I think friend is just waiting it out another year until she graduates (and keeps saying she is moving). The boy (so far) seems a lot easier to deal with, though he's just as lazy as she is.

  3. Goodness, that daughter is something else. The history sounds like ganging up on dad is okay, which it is not.

    I would not have done well in that situation.

    1. I think you are probably exactly correct. My kids wouldn't have dreamed of acting like that to either one of us. I imagine she's in for a rude awakening when she gets out in the real world and has to take care of herself

  4. I'm with the others. THAT behaviour would not go on in my house. Sorry but I pay the mortgage so I make the rules. And like others have said they are only making a rod for their (and her) backs later!

    1. Like DH told her "you are the CHILD. He's the parent. You shouldn't be acting like you think you are the parent!". I would be like "you want to disrespect me? for your own car, insurance and phone then.
