Wednesday, April 18, 2018

It's sorta like Friday

DH got one little part of his yard hydrants done for free. It's hard to explain what he's actually doing, but so far everyone that understands it is like "oh, that's a neat idea". Basically he's reversing a pitless adapter that is used for a well pump and attaching it to the bottom of the hydrant. That way, if it ever goes bad and needs to come back out of the ground, he will just have to unscrew it and pull it up (it will be inside pvc pipe). Otherwise,you'd have to actually dig up the hydrant and DH wants to make things easy to take care of, as we get older. The 4 pitless adapters needed a hole drilled in each of them....through brass. He dropped them off with the fabricating guy, who built our gate skeletons, figuring maybe having a $50 bill or something. I think they had to be drilled with one of his fancy machines. He didn't charge DH anything :)

We are also getting another bid on finishing our water well. It's only been dug and capped off - still needs a pump system. A new guy just bought out this other local guy's well business. We had decided not to go with the local guy, (last summer when we had it dug) and used a company from the city. The local guy, from what we heard, was having lots of personal problems. Had actually went missing earlier last year. I guess they found him in Nevada or somewhere and then he tried to commit suicide. Very sad, but we just didn't want to get in the middle of drilling for a well and have him disappear or something. Any how, this new guy apparently gave the couple building on lot 7 a quote to finish their well with the pump and it was cheaper than the city company (who they used to dig their well, too). DH told him, sure, go ahead and give me a bid. If his bid is same or less AND includes the actual installing of the water lines (which dh was going to buy and do himself) then we will probably go with this new guy.

DH is getting total brain overload. He's lost his phone like 4 times this week. One time he set it on top of the car. Drove two miles, stopped and how I don't know, but the phone was still on the top of the car! He's only getting one $650 iphone (that I still have half left to pay off) so he better not lose it! Last night he left it in his jeans pocket and put the jeans in the laundry basket. We walked around looking for it. This morning I let the dogs outside, after he left, and didn't realize he left the gate open. 

Lot's of work getting done this week. Concrete footings on the shop poured yesterday. It's busy out there so that is good.

I'm trying furiously to get the first quarter financials to my side job. Usually finish about 25th of the month or so, but she asked for them. Not quite sure I understand the reason....she said she's trying to figure out what to do with some money she inherited from her mom's passing and needs the financials for a bank loan. If you just inherited money why would you need a bank loan? LOL.


  1. As I read your first paragraphs I was thinking what a clever guy your DH is - and then I read about him throwing his phone in the wash! Sounds a bit like the Nutty Professor! I had a maths teacher like that - absolute genius and taught us EVERYTHING but frequently wore odd socks!

    1. He's not usually forgetful at all. This week is throwing him for a loop LOL

  2. I have a rule that works--never put anything on the top of the car. Put it on the hood! It is a wonderful rule and works when I use it. I put a disposable cup/glass of milk on the car roof and figured it out when milk poured all down the side window! ugh

    I have the kind of faucet that is put into the yard. If anything goes wrong, the faucet and all the mechanisms just screw out of the metal tube in the ground. It does not have to be dug up...well, what they told me.

    Maybe the woman needs to spend her inheritance AND more, so she is getting a loan.

  3. Our brains are designed to only hold so much in the "open files". Every thing else is stored in the "vault" When our open files overload something is automatically thrown into the vault and it is usually what we need most. Like leaving our phone on the top of the car.

    1. it's kind of funny, since he's always so "perfect", since he's OCD about everything LOL

  4. I think when it comes to your new house/shop, your dh is doing an excellent job at keeping expenses down. I hope he can start taking better care of his phone! That would be pricey to replace. Strange about your boss.

    1. so far so good on staying in budget or better. Still a long way to go, though. Eek! Yesterday I sent DH a text that said "it's 9am. Do you know where your phone is?" :)
