Sunday, April 15, 2018

Weekend update

Friday seemed to be a day "mess with One's money" day. LOL. I was done working at 12:30 and we headed to the city, with trailer in tow, to pick up a bunch of stuff. 4 stops scheduled to supply places. First stop was the water parts supply place. A friendly cat greeted us as we walked in the door and proceeded to want lots of love for about 5 mintues, then he was gone :). DH had gotten a quote on the lawn hydrants and misc fittings. We had plans to stop at another water supply place to pick up "pitless adapters", when DH asked the guy at this first place, hey - do you carry them? He did and DH said ok, how much (knowing what we were going to be paying at the other place) and he said $43. We were going to pay $108 EA at the other place!! Of course we took them from this place. Plus DH changed his mind and decided to only have 4 hydrants, instead of 5, so that brought down our cost quite a bit too.  Instead of spending $540 on the adapters (for 5 at the other place) we spent $173 (for 4) at this place. Plus one less hydrant at $145 ea. I was happy. Other than the fact that we were there for over an hour. Not quite sure what took so long, but I guess DH was changing his mind on this and that.

I had gotten a credit card (with 2% cashback) for these kinds of purchases and we will get reimbursed by our construction loan, when we submit bills with our builder, for a draw. So, I charged this big bill on it.  Then we were able to skip the other water supply place and go to the electrical supply place to pick up the electrical meter panel we had ordered the day before.  Last stop was another electrical supply place where DH had ordered all the conduit he needs to lay for all the electrical wiring. The guy hands me the invoice to go pay with the lady at the desk, while DH and him go out to start loading up our trailer. I swipe my credit card and it declines! OMG! I said it just worked at the place we were at before here. She said "do you maybe have daily limit?" I'm not sure, I just got this card. Well, I went back out to the truck to let DH know, so they don't keep loading until I can figure this out and call the credit card company. I can't just write a check for this - we just used what cash I had left out of this paycheck to pay the rock delivery guy. I don't have $1154 - it's supposed to be covered by our construction loan funds. The credit card is through Paypal. Whenever I have had to call them about my debit card (hacked a couple of times over the years) it's been a very long wait on hold. Plus my phone was down to like 18%. Thankfully, I was not on hold at all. The customer service guy said it got denied because they deemed it a suspicious charge (and since such a large amount). I approved the charge and he released my card and I went back inside and paid. Whew!

It was after 4pm by then and we were pretty hungry, but decided to just head straight home, rather than trying to stop with the trailer and get food somewhere. I was just getting dinner started and DH wanted to go out to the property again as soon as we were done eating. He asks if I want to just stop and eat dinner at the restaurant here in town on our way, rather than making dinner. But, we need to save the money so we both decided I just keep making the scrambled eggs and hashbrowns I was about to start and save $20-$25 for dinner out. Willpower!

I woke up yesterday morning feeling pretty cruddy. Sniffles and a cough. Not sure if I was catching cold or allergies. And I was so tired. I ended up taking two naps yesterday and never really felt rested. I did help DH inventory all the conduit and elbows to make sure we got all what we paid for. I guess they forgot one elbow, but for $1.90 it's not worth a special trip 110 miles RT to get it! We spent the evening watching a few episodes of season 4 of Bosch on Amazon Prime. At first DH was like "I don't think I'm going to like this show" and then he ended up liking it.

When I first got up this morning I felt about the same but I'm getting better as the day goes on, so I think it's from spring allergies. DH is tired from doing so much lately. We were just going to veg out and relax in front of the tv all day, but then DH's friend texted, asking if he could go out to our property to pick up some more of the stones he got Monday. He's starting a little project yesterday with them and decided to get the rest. So, DH went out to help him load them. I decided this was a good time to get the dusting and vacuuming done. Also doing laundry and washed all the pots and pans in the sink and scrubbed out the white sink with Cascade dishwashing soap so now all the stains are gone and it's shiney white again.

Now, I'm off to sit on the couch and read for awhile. Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Whew! The card worked! Allergies make me feel bad, run a fever, and sleep a lot. You have gotten a lot done this weekend. I have only the one outdoor faucet, but I added a thing on it where I can use three hoses on it. I could really use two faucets because it hurts to drag those hoses that are too heavy, anyway. It is amazing how much can be saved by just resisting those dinners, even if they are not expensive dinners.

    1. We had one of those hose splitter things for 3 hoses at our old house. I was always getting confused which was on and off with the valves!

  2. That had to be frustrating. Glad you got it figured out. I think this is one of the few times I wouldn't feel bad about using a credit card. You have a way to pay it off and using it isn't making you spend more money. These are big purchases, so why not get some $ back?

    Hope you get to feeling better. Good job saving money by not eating out. I'm home bound for the next few days as we are getting hammered with snow. Our storm has been extended until late tomorrow night. Unfortunately the snow amount was also increased. 20 inches....NOOOOO!

    1. I heard about the big winter storm in your area. Crazy weather. We didn't get hit with any of it, thankfully. It pretty much just poured rain all night.

  3. We added on to our house several years ago and I am still know caking myself for not adding one additional outside faucet. Like your husband I was thinking only of the money. If I had been thinking of what we actually needed I would have gone ahead with the additional one while we were in construction. To have it done now will cost about 3 times more, so it is not happening. I also would never again allow myself to be talked into a sunken faucet in the far corner of the yard.I Neither of us can reach it without almost lying on the ground. Total waste of money

    1. that's what dh was thinking when he was trying to figure out how many he really needs - it would cost way more to do it later. I think 4 should be good. one by house, one by shop, one by shed/chicken coop and one out in the driveway island.
