Monday, August 7, 2017

Weekend wrap-up

Weekends go too darn fast, even with only working a half day on Friday. Saturday morning, we started to head out of town down the main street and see people sitting in lawn chairs in front of their houses - must be a parade happening in conjunction with the fair.  We got farther down a bit and decided to pull into a little gravel parking area in front of a business that isn't open on weekends. There were a couple others parked there, waiting, on a quad and a side by side. DH pulled in next to the side by side and asked the guy if he minded if he parked next to him and asked him questions about his side by side (something DH is considering buying one of these days). He was a nice older guy. The parade was due to start in about 10 minutes.

What an adorable little parade. Totally hokey, like the fair, but so cute. Glad we happened to be driving though just before and got a chance to see it.  As we got out to our property, the neighbor lady was just leaving (she was volunteering at the fair). She said she was running late because the dogs (they are taking care of their son's 2 dogs, as well as they have 4 of their own) ran off and she had to chase them through all the properties. Then she made some kind of comment we weren't sure how to take (you could tell she was in a hurry) - she said "one of these days you'll have to walk me through your property - it was kinda "icky" walking through it with all the dust. The dogs got so dirty".  We just kinda nodded and weren't sure what she meant and then she had to leave. Well....ya, it's now a construction site - it's going to be dusty and dirty. Don't take you dogs on it have your 2 acres, the 2 acres you bought on the other side of you and 20 state acres on the other side of that!

But, as I got to thinking I have a feeling now that she meant she saw all of DH's little flags that denote the corners of house, garage, and shop, etc and meant she wanted him to walk her through and show her the layout. LOL. At least I hope that's what she meant and wasn't complaining because our lot is now full of dirt.

Speaking of neighbors - renter neighbor brought home his piece of crap mud truck and parked in on the trailer in his driveway again. Oh yay, we get to look at that junk again. He has tried to initiate conversation a few times with DH the past couple of weeks and DH isn't having any of it. Don't trust to talk to him one bit. DH will just answer his question of "how ya doing" with a "good" and that is all he'll give him, even if he tries to keep the conversation going. After he brought that piece of junk back last night DH was out in our front yard setting up the sprinkler and he says "how ya doing?" DH just said "good" and starts to walk toward our side yard sprinker and the guy holds his arms up and back and says "don't worry - I'm not going to start it" DH just looked at him and said "you aren't even supposed to have that parked here, and you know it" and then just walked away to our backyard. They both never not have a cigarette in their mouths and when we walk out our front door and they are outside, you can smell it from our porch. Gross. The wife hasn't been to work now in like a week, so who knows what's going on there...but poor guy can't have his girlfriend over at night then! She couldn't even get her lazy butt out of the house Friday or Saturday (fair was through Sat) and walk (or even drive) her 2 little kids over to the FREE fair.


  1. I doubt the woman meant anything untoward. Small town fairs and parades are nice. It's too bad the kids didn't get to go to the fair! That is sad that a parent won't take a kid to a free event that is close by. I feel for those children.

    1. I don't think she meant it in a bad way either, the more I kept thinking about it. The kids mom didn't work those 3 days of the fair, so yes, sad she didn't take them.

  2. I hope the wife did not get fired or quit her job. That would make them stay put.

    1. I never thought of it that way! Thank goodness she went to work again last night LOL. She must still have her job....just must be a very changing schedule

    2. I, too, thought about that, wondering if she were still working at all.

      What is a side by side?

    3. it's a utility vehicle - kind of like a big quad, where two people can sit side by side

    4. Thanks, but I have no idea what a quad I will ask around.
