Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Things that make you go hmmmm

The renter neighbor mystery plot thickens. Just what the heck are they doing?!  He loaded up his little trailer again yesterday afternoon (still appears to be just stuff from his garage) and left for a few hours. DH is still leaning toward his theory that he rented a shop/garage somewhere in the area so he can "do what he wants". I said, well, if that is true, at least he will rarely ever be home, because when he is home the only thing he does is hangout and work out of his garage (until 2am every night). He was gone a few hours and while he was gone the wife did something odd. She moved her car out of the driveway and over to the other side of the house, on the lawn. Why? why not just move it over to the shoulder of the street, if she needed to be out of the driveway for some reason. She also sprayed off the driveway with a hose. Ok, she wanted to clean off the driveway, but still - why park where she did to to that?  And if they are moving, why keep watering the front lawn?

This morning, as I take the dogs outside, I notice how extremely cleaned up and empty the whole front of their house looks. They have a small little set back front entrance that sits back a bit from the garage. It's always filled with 5 bikes, kids battery ran cars, etc. They can barely get to their front door. Plus the front of the garage is always stacked with his auto parts junk. All of it is gone this morning.

So, now I am back to one of DH's first theories last week, when guy took away his old pick up truck that doesn't run. The landlord is going to put the place up for sale and wanted it all out of there so she can have the realtor come take pics.  That is the only explanation I can come up with that goes with her moving her car over to the side of the house and parking on the lawn. 

School started yesterday (the school is a block away) and I have not seen them take the boy to school. Usually they walk down our alley on their way there (or she drives him) and nothing again this morning. But we saw her walk him to open house last Thursday evening. 

Stay tuned - I'm sure something else strange will happen today. LOL.


  1. This has the makings of a good soap opera. Lol

    1. especially when you add in the "girlfriend" that shows up at night when wife goes to work. Good grief!

  2. Darn it, where's Ms Marple when you need her!

    1. I'm telling ya, we're going to solve this. LOL

  3. You have fodder for a good book.
