Saturday, August 12, 2017

The view on the way home

Yesterday afternoon our friend texted DH with "we're getting Papa Murphy's pizzas - we can either bring them to your place,  or you come to our place.....or I guess neither" LOL. We ended up going to their place. Felt we needed to get out of the house, since we really didn't go anywhere all week. I have been craving pizza lately, so this was great.  DH brought our house (and landscape) plans and discussed with friend. We got a few ideas, too, from his building experience (and we are using same builder). Still just wish our friend didn't feel the need to drink so much. I'll bet he drank a 1/2 of a 5th of whiskey.

Driving home we were going the "back" way because they had been chip sealing on the freeway and DH didn't want to drive through it. The back way passes right by our property. As we got closer the sky got red and as we rounded a bend, and the direction we would be heading, it looked like we were going to drive right into the fire area!

Holy crap! Those fire guys DH talked to earlier in the day were right! It did get worse last night. Still not jumped over the freeway but almost right down to it.  All those white marks in the photos are ash debris falling in the air that showed up in the flash. They are also predicting that Sunday will be worse as the temp will be dropping about 20 degrees (finally!) , but with wind, I guess.

It was a very eerie feeling driving by all this. This fire has been a month now and apparently isn't over by a long shot. So far though they have managed to protect every home and building in the area of the fire, which is the main thing.


  1. Wow! I've never been that close to such a enormous fire. It must be quite the sight to see.

    1. We have never been this close either. It sure looks different in the night time to see it.

  2. Replies
    1. It was scary to see. Felt like being in a movie scene or something

  3. Every time you say anything about fire and your property, my heart jumps because I forget your house is not there yet. That's scary!

    1. We are very glad we haven't started building yet and now that this big fire has happened we should be good to go for many years. It'll be a long time before the area could burn like this again

  4. Holy Moly! That's too close for my comfort. Please stay safe!!!!

  5. We are fine here in town and no one in the fire zone has lost a home, thanks to all the firefighters
