Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A new pay day

I received my first google adsense payment. $108.63, earned during the time period when I started in February through July.  Hey, I'll take $100 bucks for doing what I was going to do anyway, right?! It's not like I'm trying to earn it, LOL.

I was dog tired yesterday. We stayed up way too late Sunday night with DH's sis and her hubby, but we hadn't seen them in almost a year, since before we moved. Well, I take that back. I saw them just before Christmas last year, when I flew back for a few days for a work meeting and visited with them at my in-laws house for a few hours. I took a sorta nap when I was done with work at 4:30, until 5pm. I didn't really sleep, I don't think. Then I made dinner. DH got two naps in. I was in bed by 9pm.

My boss must be swamped lately. She's usually super good about getting back to my emails, but I've noticed the past month a few seem to be slipping through the cracks and I have to send her reminder emails. A sure sign she is overwhelmed. We've had several new hires and I'm sure that is a big part of it. They are a lot of work. LOL. I'm trying to email her only when it's a last resort, but some things only she can answer for me.  She also asked me to take care of something last week that normally she does, so that's a sign too. I was more than happy to do it.

DH went out to our property yesterday. We've been trying to get our dogs used to water and I think they've got it figured out. Black dog took off down the bank and jumped in the river before DH and old dog could get down there. LOL. And the little fishies were something new to them, too. The river is quite low this time of year and flowing pretty slow. We have a big flat rock next to the edge you can stand out on, so when that isn't covered in water, you know the river is low.

Tomorrow the phone tech comes and hooks us up with faster internet and a new modem. So, I'll be able to post these posts even faster LOL :)


  1. Funny thing, but I was going to ask you about your google adsense payout. I'm getting close. Hopefully within a month or two. Looking forward to the snowflake to throw directly at our debt.

    1. apparently they had to verify my tax info manually, that took about a week and good to go now. It was weird seeing that money in my checking account this morning! Like how easy was that! LOL

    2. May as well earn a little something extra for what you are already doing!

  2. I love that your dog was so eager to jump in the lake. Fishes must be a new delight for the dog.

    You do not have annoying ads, yet you made that much. I may rethink this idea.

    1. The ads were easy to set up and I figure if I make $200-$300 a year from it, then might as well. Good Christmas gift money :)

    2. I can use that much money! Thanks.
