Friday, August 11, 2017

a new VPN - again

I'm happy the weekend is almost here for a couple of reasons. First, the usual - no work, haha! Second is we are supposed to have today and tomorrow in the 90's and starting Sunday we finally get down in to the 80's and even 70's next week. I am very tired of this hot weather and hopefully it is gone and done with for the summer. Now, if we could just get rid of all the smoke in the air.......

No plans this weekend. There is a "festival" in a very small town about 90 miles away that I think sounds fun. They have like 120 crafts and misc vendors. Maybe I can talk DH into going to it for something to do. Funny, the population of this little town is a little over 200.....and 120 vendors is almost as much as their whole population haha!

I went to log into my side job remotely and it wasn't working. Oh man, not this again. I emailed the guy at the office who is the go-between them and their IT company.  Turns out he moved my workstation and hadn't turned it back on, but once he did, I still couldn't get signed in.  It also turns out they have switched to yet another new IT company and the last one had set me up on this totally funky VPN system that I really don't like. I can't even get into my desktop full screen mode.

So, the new IT guy was awesome. Very quickly he had me set up with a normal VPN/remote connection (with a full screen of my desktop).  He also set up Outlook on my workstation desktop, which I have never had. I've always had to access my emails with them via Web Outlook. He also showed me how to set my emails up to my phone. It's all SO MUCH BETTER now.  And I can use my dual screens when remoted in and I can print to my home printer.  I'm just a happy camper all around. I emailed back the guy at the office this IT company is a keeper.

DH just went out to our property and at the end of our "lane" for our little subdivision was a bunch of fire management trucks. He texted me a picture and said it was a bunch of bigwigs...meeting there because they think the fire is going to jump the freeway and river over to our side. GRRR!  Not worried about our property, but the homes in the area, for sure.


  1. Don't you just love it when IT people have their act together! You are lucky, I don't have quite so much luck in that area.

    I worry about those fires - I just mentioned it to my husband tonight. I hope you get some of the rain we have been having down here.

    1. it definitely got worse last night, as the fire fighters said it would :/

  2. Don't you love what great IT can do for you! I hope the fires do not make it to the homes there. We have plenty of rain everyday. We won't burn, but we may mold away.

  3. My seasonal job fired their IT guy at the end of last year. Being a non-profit, they decided they had no money to hire someone else. We are now just winging issues that arise. Let me just say, it isn't always pretty! Lol.

    Stay safe with all those fires. On the bright side, they do make for some gorgeous sunsets!

    1. we were driving home last night from friends - red red sky. I'll share a couple of photos in my next post.
