Friday, August 25, 2017

A Swagbucks deal and smelly stuff

Speaking of Swagbucks. I was doing my normal routine this morning. Getting my daily points and noticed the "Daily Deal".  3,000 Swabucks ($30) for signing up for Hulu (and keeping it for at least 8 days). Well, Hulu costs $8 to sign up for a month. $30-$8 is a net gain of $22. So, I signed up and instantly got credited my 3000 SB's. I'll cancel Hulu before the month is up, but take advantage of watching some shows while I have it. That was an easy way to earn $22 in about 2 minutes of time.  I don't usually do those offers, but why turn down free money?!

DH spent part of the last 2 days helping neighbor guy across the street repair on old truck he has. Something with the transmission or clutch and he would have had to wait for one of his son's to be available to help as part of it was a 2 person job, so DH was happy to help and it got him out of my hair for a few hours each day. Of course, now he's paying for it with is muscles for the next couple of days. He really had trouble sleeping last night.

And speaking of DH - one of his "quirks" that drive me insane is his sense of smell! it is so hyper. He smells things I cannot for the life of me smell. He used to do that when the kids lived at home too. None of us could smell whatever he was smelling and would drive us nuts and he would be mad at us because we couldn't smell it.  Here, it's been 2 areas. Our walk in master closet. Something in there just stinks, according to him. I have no idea. I finally just took every single piece of clothing out of our big dresser that we have in there and washed it all. The other area is as he's walking out of our master bath into the bedroom. Apparently it's just a terrible smell. Last night he says "I can't believe you can't smell it".  Finally, I googled extreme sense of smell and it's a real thing. As I was reading some forum's, people who have CFS and Fibromyalgia say they have it. Well, that must be what's causing it with him and I told him about it. I'm tired of him acting like it's my problem! You'd think if he can smell something that strongly then he'd be able to figure out the source of it?! But, no, he expects ME, who CAN'T smell it to find it! Shaking my head. So I'm just guessing at what it could possibly be and trying to clean and get rid of things that don't smell. haha. He apparently only smells it walking out of the bathroom and not into the bathroom?!  Last night he says it about gags him. So strange. So, this morning I am washing both the shower curtain and the liner (I washed the liner not to long ago, but not the curtain itself). Maybe that will help, but I doubt it.


  1. Let HIM find the source of the smell and wash all that shit. That might keep him out of your hair awhile longer. lololz

    1. No Kidding! There is a small dresser in our bedroom right outside the bathroom door. It's his stuff - sweatshirts and a few old orange and yellow construction t-shirts. hasn't worn/washed in years. I don't even smell musty on them, but told him to wash them and see if that helps. He says that's not it LOL

  2. I don't have an extreme sense of smell (I have fibro) but I do have the best hearing of anyone I know. I used to be able to hear our hermit crabs down the hall and 4 rooms away in our old house crawlng around in their sand in the fishtank. Hubby can't whisper anything, drives him bananas. I have intense difficulty sleeping (another fibro thing) so wear an eye mask every night.

    1. Sleeping is really hard for him, too. I remember when he was still had his construction business he could smell an oil or hydraulic leak in a truck just by standing next to it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks for the Swagbucks/Hulu reminder. I flew past it this AM and need to revisit. My DH had fibro and can smell everything whereas I have hyper noise issues. (Hyperacusis)

    1. Interesting about the connection with the smelling and fibro.

  5. I took advantage of that offer last year. It wasn't as good of a deal though. Easy money, for sure!

    1. it was almost like too good to be true, I kept wondering what was the catch!

  6. I have super smelling - it sucks big time. No fibro though - I remember being a child and this happening. I don't make other people find the source though.

    Great deal on Swagbucks - I would be binge watching Handmaid's Tale.

    1. I'll have to check out that show. I think DH just thinks every one should be able to smell what he smells. Now that I've pointed it out to him, we'll see if his attitude about it changes

  7. I have fibro and CFS and can smell stuff others cannot. I can smell if there is an animal in the house and it gags me even if someone cleaned and sprayed before I got there. Every garbage disposal on the face of the earth stinks!

    Put shallow bowls of vinegar around and see if that clears up the stink.

    1. Vinegar is a great idea! I keep a small bowl tucked beside our couch as that is where our pets tend to hang out the most. It does help and surprisingly, the house doesn't smell like vinegar!

    2. Thanks for the great tip! I will definitely try that. We have a small linen closet just behind the bathroom door and I put a little bowl of baking soda in it yesterday, hoping to absorb ordor

  8. Just did the Hulu deal. I forgot that my Hubby had an account with Swagbucks and I was able to do it via his account. As an added bonus, he had 1800 already sitting in his account. Woo hoo! The offer credited immediately!
