Thursday, August 3, 2017

I'm out of titles :)

Well, I can't figure out how to set up my tax info in Google for the Adsense payment. When I logged in there was a notification that I needed to update my tax info for payment, so I did all that and kept trying to hit submit and it kept staying at the info entry page, saying I have not completed it correctly. I can't figure it out. Boo :(

DH spent yesterday morning at the property. When they moved dirt we did end up with some actual topsoil from the hill that got moved. That's a good thing - less we'll have to have brought in later. DH took his wheelbarrow and moved a bunch of it over to a strip of area next to neighbors side. It's going to be lawn eventually, so will need topsoil there.  We've been emailing with our neighbor at the property. In person he is super funny and he's the same way in emails too.

We haven't had book club the past 2 months. Hopefully we'll have it at the end of August. I'm just getting started on the book. It's actually our book from June........that I didn't end up reading. I tried to start it and just didn't like it, so I was relieved when the meeting got cancelled. I didn't realize they would just move that book to August for discussion. I'll give it another try and see if I can get into it.

In looking at our house plans closer, DH isn't happy with the roof line and dormers on part of it. He sent it to our brother in law (who frames houses) to get his input. He called back last night had some good thoughts and ideas on it. Then DH went back to the original plan he got the idea from (he used that, but tweaked it, then we had the guy do up the drawings for us) and that is pretty much what our brother in law said to do. So, most likely we'll be changing that. It doesn't change the floor plan at all - just how the roof line is and the dormers over the garage. DH is going to wait and talk to our builder (he's very busy right now) and see what he thinks. I told DH we're not having him make any changes until later....when everyone has had a chance to get all their suggestions/changes made and we can have him do it one last time - and only pay one more time! BIL is going to send DH a picture of a house he just did that looks like he is recommending, so we will get a better idea from that, too.

Still hot, hot, hot weather. Still smokey air. Every morning I look at the 10 day forecast, hoping that the newest 10th day brings some relief, LOL. Nope.


  1. Having a house built must be exciting with all those details to work out. It sounds like a lot of work too. I hope, you will get what you want at the end of the day and be very happy there!

    1. DH is a real detail person, so that will be good in making sure it's all right.

  2. I'm excited for you and can't wait for you start building! About as close as we ever get to that will be eventually adding an addition to our house. Ah...someday!

    1. We would have much rather bought a house, but even with still looking at houses for sale around here, there just isn't anything that has a majority of the things we want.

  3. The thought of building is overwhelming to me. We are ready to downsize and have a couple of houses in different parts of the country. At the most I want townhouses or small garden homes,

    1. Well, we can't seem to get along with neighbors ;), so a townhouse is probably out of the question LOL. Not to mention I don't even think this little town knows what one is ;)

  4. What book are you reading? It is good you are getting all this worked out now instead of having a house that makes you unhappy.

    1. It's called A Little Life. I'm starting to get into it, but it's still not my type of book much. Plus it's a long one. Yes, it's good we still have lots of time to work out the details on the house.
