Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday is here

Yesterday at noon I made a taco soup to heat up in the crockpot. It's so easy to make. Some browned ground beef, dump in a can of just about every kind of bean there is, some taco seasoning and tomato sauce. This recipe makes such a huge amount and with only the two of us eating it, I was able to put away 3 more meals of it in the freezer. Got to use my new leftover containers that I got for free (work rewards points). These meals will be nice this fall and winter.  A nice warm tasty soup and no cooking. We add some shredded cheese, sour cream and frito's scoops are our spoons.

It's looking like I will have to be taking our black dog back to the vet. He keeps licking his anal glands and it stinks, too! He's never had this problem before and I was hoping it might just be temporary thing and would clear up. Plus he's still really itchy. I just started giving him fish oil to see if that might help.

The phone company called yesterday and scheduled a tech to come out next Wednesday to upgrade our internet and put in a new modem. It will be interesting to see if I notice any difference in speed. Even if I don't, that's ok, my main goal was to get the cost down, which has been accomplished by 20%. One thing I've noticed about living here......all the people you talk to on the phone that are with business's or a gov't office are all so nice and friendly. Well, with the exception of one lady I talked to at our local county licensing office.....and turns out she was originally from our old that explains that! LOL. Though I have talked to her in person now a couple of times, too and she's much nicer in person to talk to.

I ordered a heating unit for our friend's garage yesterday. DH still has one thing being stored at his property that will stay there until we move (covered up by a tarp in the back of their property, so not really an eyesore, at least. When friend built his house,  his attached 3 car garage doesn't have any heat in it. We have added this heating unit to our attached garage and to our small-ish (20x30) shop out back of our house and they work great. Friend has been asking DH what he bought, how installed, etc. As a thank you for storing our stuff we are having one of the heaters sent to him. I'm sure he'll be surprised. It was $260, which seems a fair trade for him letting us use his place for storage for the past year and probably almost another year until our house and shop is done.

Today is a half day for work, which means the weekend is almost here. We don't have any plans, which means DH will probably be bored. The air is still way too smokey to make outdoor plans. We'll probably just continue with making decisions and researching what things we want for our house. DH is working on a front gate right now. He wants to (do himself) 2 pillars with stone on each side of the driveway entrance. Then decided he wants lights on the pillars, so I had to see what style I wanted, because that would apparently determine how he does the hole in the pillar for the lights (that we would then use on porch and in front of garage). I really hate clicking on something and then seeing the price. $700 for ONE porch light?! Seriously?! I found one I liked that was $60 at Home Depot. Then did a google search of it and found it for sale online at another place for $36. Even better. DH also plans to build the wooden gate himself and is now researching what electric gate openers cost and how to install. We will be having a fence around  front and sides of property. Nothing super fancy - just one of those wood/hog panel type fences, 4 ft tall.  Something like this and we will use the same fence guy who did our chain link fencing at the house we have now.

When I finished the book I was reading last Sunday I didn't have anything available on my library e-book list/download. A couple I was next in line, but nothing to read! Eek! By Tuesday night I was feeling withdrawals coming on. Finally yesterday one became available. It's the start of a series recommended by a co-worker (we email about books sometimes) - The Stephen King Dark Tower series. I don't think I've ever read one of his books, though I have enjoyed a few of his movies (not the scary ones).

What are your weekend plans?


  1. Just trying to dig out getting home from vacation here. Laundry is done finally but I've got to get on inventorying what's left in the food dept. and the kids didn't do a lick of cleaning the month we were gone. sighh.

  2. Hope you gave those kids the what for! Vacations are exhausting to come home from LOL

  3. Seeing your potential new gate makes me feel that my future new balcony and gate are going to make me look like the lunatic lady down the road!!! Oh well, each to his own I guess. I can't wait for mine to be done though. Anna

    1. I think it makes you look like the fun, whimsical lady down the road!

  4. I thought all of King's books and movies were scary. I don't red his books or watch his movies! Nice fence. it must be nice to have a handy husband. I am getting ready to go to Nashville to see the total eclipse on Monday.

    1. I used to thing all his books were scary but I've enjoyed watching Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile and didn't consider those scary. Hubby won't be installing the fence (too much work) but he thinks he can make the wood gate (and block piers to attach to) himself, as the gates are one of the most costly items in fencing. that would save some money. Have fun at the eclipse!
