Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Busy bees

We've been busy the past couple of days.  Monday I went to the place nearby that sells just about every replacement part you could need for a manuf/mobile home. We have used this place a lot over the years. I got a new door for the closet (and hardware to hang it and door knob) and the quarter round trim for inside the door casing. That door needed it all around and a couple others needed replacing.  $110.  Then I picked up the paint and supplies to paint DS's bedroom. $50.  I taped it off and filled on on the holes.

Yesterday morning I got started painting. Ugh. Not my favorite job, but considering it was just me, I got it done in 4 hours. I thought I was going to have to paint the ceiling too. We had a water spot where we had a leak 2-3 years ago. But, since I picked out "antique white" paint, I tried covering it up first, without painting the whole ceiling and it looks fine. Can't even tell. I was so relieved not to have to paint the ceiling. Just doing the walls totally did my back in. But the roller extension I bought for when we did our living room recently, was so much easier than just the roller. DD did all the rolling for the living room, so I hadn't tried it out yet. I am still so sore today. I will probably use the extra gallon for the dining room....when I get in the mood to paint, again.

But, it looks so much better! A nice creamy white and looks fresh and clean. We put the oak desk back in (haven't decided whether to repaint or stain an darker color....a project for another time), one of our oak filing cabinets, the bed and night stand. The big dresser we put in DD's room, since it's pretty empty. This room look so much better and now I finally have my own office room. Even a window I can look out :)

That pooch is just ready to nap on that bed!

Then DH dismantled the cubicle desk station in the corner of the family room. That was a job! It wore him out and those pieces are so dang heavy. But, again, the room looks so much better. I sent DD a couple of pics and she was like "OMG! That looks so good!". It's not even close to how I want it in that corner of the family room, but it's so much better. Bookcase needs repainting and get rid of that small desk. DH is hard to part with stuff, so it all has to be gradual. I'd love to put a chair and ottoman where that desk is for a nice reading spot.

Now I am trying to get all the stuff from that cubicle desk into my new office. That old cubicle held a lot of stuff. I had two upper cabinets, plus a side drawer for files and such. This other desk only had one drawer for pens and such. But there are shelves underneath each section (it's L shaped) where I can put some boxes of files I took out of the upper cabinets of the old desk.  Currently the bed is still covered with half of my crap!

I've got a pile of stuff started to be dropped off at Goodwill too.

Oh, and the house we loved - sold in like 4 days. LOL.  Of course it did.

I'm kind of bummed I didn't get a Christmas/year end bonus from my side job this year. Most years he's forgotten until the last minute, but I've always gotten one....dang :/ It would have paid for my new tires.


  1. Wow good for you. It looks lovely and I'm sure it will be really enjoyable for you until the day comes when you can sell up and move out. I tend to be a bit "hyper" and then completely burn out, but at least it's nice to know that we get things done eh. Sorry about the bonus though. Cheers and happy new year (in another place?) Anna

    1. Thanks Anna! I am hoping 2016 is our year for a new home. I'm not getting much done today - still putting away Christmas decorations and doing a little laundry is all.

  2. If the bonus is always late maybe you will still get one as its not even the new year yet. Sending some good juju your way!

    1. Yes, I'm have a feeling either him or his wife will remember. One year it was New Years ;)
