Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas to all. I am kind of glad it's almost over. I just didn't really get into it 100% this year. We still have to go to my moms for some dinner and gift exchange and then DD and her BF leave for their trip to Ireland.

We made another batch of sugar cookies - with butter and fresh powdered sugar and they turned out fine. Tuesday I got new tires put on my car. Almost 81,000 miles off that first set of tires. Pretty darn good, if I do say so myself. DH said if it was summer he would have let me go probably another 10,000 miles on them, but with the wet roads we have in winter, we put them on now. $635 out of savings - ouch - but I do feel safer driving around now.

I made a turkey dinner yesterday and we had that early afternoon. Then we were all so tired we all took a nap, even DD fell asleep in the recliner. Around 7pm we opened our gifts. It was a leaner gift giving year this year. Mostly just practical gifts and since DD wanted money for her trip, that was her main gift and then just a couple of small gifts to open - a selfie stick, like she wanted, and a crockpot cook book. I got 2 nice sweaters, a calendar (with awesome painted roosters! love it), a book, a gift card to Kohl's and some interior wipes for my car.  DD also gave me the sweetest card with the nicest note written inside. I got DH a sweatshirt, a new pair of khaki pants, a hat and for fun an electronic weather station. It's wireless and even tells the wind outside. I think he liked it.  DD got him a nice pair of binoculars and a shirt.

No one is up yet this morning and I got the stockings stuffed. Hard to stuff the dogs stockings with them sniffing the whole time! DD's is mostly just candy, some make up (scored free at RiteAid months ago), a flash drive and scratch off lottery tickets. DH is M&M's, some work gloves and a do-rag (he likes to wear under his hat in summer), a calendar of wolves, and lottery tickets.

Usually I leave all my decorations up until New Years Day, but I think I'll probably take down this weekend. It's all just making me miss my son.

Tomorrow I HAVE to find some dog food! I went to the feed store I always buy it at (and they always have a whole pallet of it) and they were out. I have enough to get them through tomorrow morning and that is it. The lady said they would be getting more in Christmas Eve (but I didn't want to drive over there yesterday) so they better have some tomorrow. The dog food manufacturer's website shows stores in the area (mostly feed type stores) that supposedly carry it, but when I called around Wednesday 2 were out of business, another stopped carrying pet food and another never answered their phone, so most likely out of business too.  I really don't want to have to get a substitute food.


  1. Merry Christmas, OneFamily! I hear you about the holiday spirit - so no into it AT ALL around here. We have guests, though, so I am enjoying their visit and the things we do when we're all together.
